Happy 10 year anniversary to FSharpLint!
- Fix error linting projects that use .NET Legacy Framework #336 #657 [@su8898] & [@webwarrior-ws]
- FSharpLint.Console: show URL for each rule at summary #666 [@knocte]
- AvoidTooShortNames: fix for DU member params & lambda arguments #645 [@Mersho]
- Docs: don't swallow errors #678 [@webwarrior-ws]
- Make inline source filePath less confusing #677 #674 [@webwarrior-ws]
- Add new rule UnnecessaryRecKeyword #650 #652 #671 [@Mersho] & [@webwarrior-ws]
- TypePrefixing: new modes "Always", "Hybrid", "Never" (default: Hybrid) #661 [@knocte] & [@webwarrior-ws]
- Less hardcoding of .NET version #659 [@knocte]