A very Simple Social media web application built with laravel Jetstream and livewire.
The application is designed and tested to use conveniently without any issues.
- Built with Laravel 8
- Jetstream (Livewire + blade stack)
- Create posts
- Like posts
- Comment on posts
- Delete posts
- Delete Comments
- On-time image uploads
- Dynamic and Responsive Design
- Compile and minify assets (200 kb resources)
- Many more features....
Clone this repo using any method (https, ssh, gh cli)
Set the configuration file using the command
cp .env.example .env
Install all required packages via composer.
composer install
Set up Database configuration inside .env file.
Run the migration and seeder
php artisan setup
php artisan migrate --seed
- Install all dependencies via
and Compile all assets based on your deployment environment.
#Install all dependencies
yarn dev
yarn prod
#Install all dependencies
npm install
npm dev
npm prod
- Create symbolic link
php artisan storage:link
- Start the local server using the command
php artisan serve
You may use these credentials to log into your website. you can change these credentials shortly after logging in.
Email : admin@gmail.com
Password : password
Creates dummy data using faker library.
php artisan setup:dummy
php artisan db:seed --class="DummyDataSeeder"
All files uploaded from Create Post form is stored on storage/app/livewire-tmp folder. The following command cleana all Temporary Files from server.
php artisan clean:temp
php artisan test
MIT © Albin Varghese