Meteor is awesome. Phonegap is cool. Now let's make it easy
for everyone to use both. At this point meteor-phonegap
is a quick way to turn a Meteor project into an Android Phonegap app.
- Meteor documentation
- Radio Meteor, internet radio player for Somafm and Radio Paradise
First step is to install the Android SDK. Since I did this a long time ago and all is still good I'm not documenting this here now. jfgit.
I'm still not 100% sure about the relationship between Cordova and
Phonegap but the cordova
cli tool is extremely useful. We presume you
kinda know what npm
is and you have it installed on your system.
Now, make sure node
is up-to-date (at least v0.8.20 around February
2013) and run the following:
sudo npm install -g cordova
You possibly want to chown -R
yourself /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova
installs the Meteor Leaderboard example and turns it into an app.
turns any Meteor app into a Phonegap app.
will create a simple Meteor example project, fetch it
with wget
. Then it will set up a Cordova project, copy the wget
stuff into this and patch it based on the IP of the machine that this
stuff is running on.
will simply wget
a Meteor project and apply some hackery on that.
for fun, and well, it might actually be useful.
There's tons of stuff to do and improve. Your patches, bug reports and feature requests are very welcome on github.
This is now also in
Generate a key in the release-key.keystore file
keytool -validity 9125 -sigalg MD5withRSA -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -genkey -v -alias YOURALIAS -keystore release-key.keystore
Create a release apk:
ant release
Sign your apk:
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore release-key.keystore YOURAPPNAME-release-unsigned.apk YOURALIAS
zipalign it:
Android-SDK/tools/zipalign YOURAPPNAME-release-unsigned.apk YOURAPPNAME-ready.apk
If you successfully jumped through these hoops you're ready for uploading to
adb devices
adb logcat