- SECRET=masterpw
- USER=masteruser
- Launch a sandbox mongodb using mlab. Just MongoDB create a new Deployment and add a new user to the deployment. You get .5 gb which should be plenty if only tracking your own usage
based on: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/playlistweek7
liked this project: https://hyperdev.com/#!/project/maze-stealer
based mongo iterations from: https://nettle-beast-mongoose.glitch.me/
- basically playlistweek7 was saving progress to glitch in the playlist-store.js, but you probably want your progress & finished projects hidden from others. As such we use a mongo db w/ the credentials hidden in the .env file & basic auth for you personally only to be able to login
- I was using playlistweek7 basic setup so it is fairly flat, you could make the list deeper for better section & genre support
- track challenge progression in personal sandbox instance of mongodb
- basic auth for you personally