DEUCHAT is a chat application written in C Language.
server.c handles requests coming from clients. It is multithreaded program. Compile: gcc -pthread server.c -o server.o
client.c is client program. Sends requests to server. Compile: gcc -pthread client.c -o client.o
Recommended gcc: 9.2.1
- -list: Lists the currently available rooms with the name of the customers in it.
- -create room_name: Creates a new specified room. Not more than one room with the same name.
- -pcreate room_name: Creates a new specified private room. This type of room has been protected with password.
- -enter room_name: Enter to the specified room.
- -quit: Quit from the room that you are in. You come back to the common area.
- -msg message_body: Sends a message to room that you are in.
- -whoami: Shows your own nickname information.
- -exit: Exit the program.