diff --git a/main.gb b/main.gb deleted file mode 100644 index 24f0036..0000000 Binary files a/main.gb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/main.sym b/main.sym deleted file mode 100644 index 71def21..0000000 --- a/main.sym +++ /dev/null @@ -1,485 +0,0 @@ -; this file was created with wlalink by ville helin . -; no$gmb symbolic information for "main.gb". -0000:c000 VBL -0000:c001 VBL_HANDLER -0000:c003 FRAME -0000:c004 CUTOFF -0000:c006 JOYP_CURRENT -0000:c007 JOYP_PREV -0000:c008 JOYP_ACTIVE -0000:c009 JOYP_RPTTIMER -0000:c00a JOYP_RPT -0000:c00b hblank -0000:c00e CURNOTE -0000:c00f LASTNOTE -0000:c010 WAVEMUTE -0000:c011 DRUMSMUTE -0000:c012 INITSEQLINE -0000:c013 NOTEIDX -0000:c014 CUTOFFI -0000:c015 CUTOFFSET -0000:c016 OSCTYPE -0000:c017 OSCTYPEOVD -0000:c018 FHIGH -0000:c019 FLOW -0000:c01a FNHIGH -0000:c01b FNLOW -0000:c01c PREVCUT -0000:c01d RESON -0000:c01e TEMPFF -0000:c01f TEMPSECTOR -0000:c05f ARPWORD -0000:c060 ARPIDX -0000:c061 ARPOFFSET -0000:c062 MAP_FIRST -0000:c063 MAP_W -0000:c064 DOSLIDE -0000:c065 LSDJTICK -0000:c066 PLAYING -0000:c067 ACCENT -0000:c068 LASTSERIAL -0000:c069 TOPLAY -0000:c06a CURSCREEN -0000:c06b SCREENMID -0000:c06c GOTSERIAL -0000:c06d LINK_RX -0000:c06e DISTTYPE -0000:c06f BEND -0000:c070 BPM -0000:c071 BPM_MATCH -0000:c072 BPM_CNT -0000:c073 BEAT -0000:c074 FHIGHF -0000:c075 SLIDESPEED -0000:c076 CUTOFFEG -0000:c077 SYNTHLR -0000:c078 DRUMSLR -0000:c079 SEQ -0000:c0b9 SEQ_CURX -0000:c0ba SEQ_PREVX -0000:c0bb SEQ_TOERASEX -0000:c0bc SEQ_PREVY -0000:c0bd LASTNOTEINPUT -0000:c0be LASTDRUMINPUT -0000:c0bf NOTECUR_X -0000:c0c0 HWOK_ADC -0000:c0c1 HWOK_EE -0000:c0c2 POT1LP -0000:c0c6 POT2LP -0000:c0ca POT3LP -0000:c0ce POT1V -0000:c0cf POT2V -0000:c0d0 POT3V -0000:c0d1 EEWRADDRL -0000:c0d2 EEWRADDRM -0000:c0d3 SAVECURSONGSLOT -0000:c0d4 SAVECURPATTSLOT -0000:c0d5 CURPATTERN -0000:c0d6 PATTNAME -0000:c0df SCREENMAP -0000:c0e0 COPPERI -0000:c0e1 COPPERFLIP -0000:c0e2 COPPEROA -0000:c0e3 COPPEROB -0000:c0e4 COPPERANIM -0000:c0e5 POTLINK1 -0000:c0e6 POTLINK2 -0000:c0e7 POTLINK3 -0000:c0e8 KEYBOARDMODE -0000:c0e9 KBCALLBACK -0000:c0eb KBX -0000:c0ec KBY -0000:c0ed NAMEPTR -0000:c0ee TEMPNAME -0000:c0f7 SYNCMODE -0000:c0f8 LIVE_CURX -0000:c0f9 LIVE_PREVX -0000:c0fa LIVE_CURY -0000:c0fb LIVE_PREVY -0000:c0fc MIDIBUFFER -0000:c13c MIDIBPUT -0000:c13d MIDIBGET -0000:c13e MIDINOTENB -0000:c13f MIDINOTECMD -0000:c140 LFOSPEED -0000:c141 LFOAMP -0000:c142 LFOROUTE -0000:c143 LFORESET -0000:c144 LFOACC -0000:c145 INVERTPOTS -0000:c146 LFOCUTOFF -0000:c147 LFORESON -0000:c148 LFOPITCH -0000:c149 LASTSAVED_SONG -0000:c14a LASTSAVED_PATT -0000:c14b POTPATTOVRD -0000:c14c SONG_CURX -0000:c14d SONG_CURY -0000:c14e SONG_PREVX -0000:c14f SONG_PREVY -0000:c150 CURSONG -0000:c151 SONG -0000:c1f1 SONGNAME -0000:c1fa SONGOFS -0000:c1fb SONGPTR -0000:c1fc CFG_CUR -0000:c1fd CFG_PREVCUR -0000:c1fe MEM_CUR -0000:c1ff MEM_PREVCUR -0000:c200 SELPATTNAME -0000:c209 SELSONGNAME -0000:c212 CONFIRM_YN -0000:c213 PREVSONGPTR -0000:0154 start -0000:0268 ml -0000:029e dojump -0000:029f playstop -0000:0309 pscommon -0000:031c stopp -0000:0327 defaultseq -0000:0367 cutofflut -0000:03c7 inittiles -0000:0485 serial -0000:04b7 serialhnd -0000:04cd sync_lsdjmidi -0000:04ee sy_common -0000:0501 synch_lsdjslave -0000:0529 synch_midi -0000:0558 midi_noteoff -0000:056d noteoffvel -0000:0573 midi_noteon -0000:0593 MIDI3bytes -0000:05a2 getMIDIbyteinc -0000:05ec setvblhandler -0000:0601 readinput -0000:064d clear -0000:0655 intset -0000:066d bin2bcd -0000:0672 div10 -0000:0680 vblank -0000:0688 timer -0000:06ad div8_8 -0000:06ef setdefaultpal -0000:06fc clearsprites -0000:0701 clspr -0000:0716 clear_w -0000:072a mapinc -0000:072b mapinc_ -0000:0734 mapib -0000:0735 mapia -0000:0749 mapinc_w -0000:0780 screen_off -0000:0788 maptext -0000:078f maptextlp -0000:07c5 map -0000:07cf mapb -0000:07d3 mapa -0000:07f0 wait_vbl -0000:07f5 wait_vbll -0000:07fc clearbkg -0000:0821 writeDE -0000:085e writeAsmall -0000:087e writeAhex -0000:08a1 checkhex -0000:08a7 wait_write -0000:08b0 wait_hblank -0000:08c9 RAMtoOAM -0000:08dd loadtiles_auto -0000:08eb loadtiles_1BPP -0000:08fa loadtiles_2BPP -0000:0907 loadtiles_1BPPc -0000:0911 loadnormal1 -0000:091b compressed1 -0000:091f loadcompressed1 -0000:0928 loadtiles_2BPPcr -0000:093d loadtiles_2BPPc -0000:0952 decompress -0000:095c loadnormal -0000:096c compressed -0000:0970 loadcompressed -0000:0981 decompressr -0000:098b loadnormalr -0000:099d compressedr -0000:09a3 loadcompressedr -0000:09b4 loadwave -0000:09f5 int_play -0000:0a01 playv -0000:0a1e play_nano -0000:0a45 play_midi -0000:0a87 play_internal -0000:0a90 arp -0000:0aa1 arpone -0000:0aab arpzero -0000:0bd8 nonewnote -0000:0c1c slidedown -0000:0c51 slideup -0000:0c84 noslide -0000:0c84 play_common -0000:0d1d nodist -0000:0d23 samecutoff -0000:0d24 direct -0000:0d5a softdist -0000:0e32 harddist -0000:0f0a getnotenumber -0000:0f17 getnoteattrl -0000:0f25 getnoteattrh -0000:0f34 draw_notes -0000:0f9b getnoteypos -0000:0fad ohi -0000:0fbe olo -0000:0fc4 write_pattinfo -0000:0ff1 write_songinfo -0000:101e setbpm -0000:1036 lut_bpm -0000:122a readpots -0000:12d6 domean -0000:12f0 readpot -0000:131a adcbootcheck -0000:1336 lut_potsets -0000:1342 pots_cutoff -0000:1350 pots_reson -0000:1359 pots_pitch -0000:1360 pots_slide -0000:1367 pots_lfospeed -0000:1372 pots_lfoamp -0000:137b changescreen -0000:1423 setscreen -0000:1439 lut_setupscr -0000:1447 ss_common -0000:1458 setscreenmap -0000:14d8 spicomb -0000:1507 spicom -0000:1536 eebootcheck -0000:1568 eefullcheck -0000:159e eesetr -0000:15b8 eesetw -0000:15d2 checkee -0000:1604 eeto -0000:1612 eewmagic -0000:1636 formatee -0000:16a8 eewaitwrite -0000:16c9 eewriting -0000:16e5 eewriten -0000:16ed ee_wren -0000:1709 verifyts -0000:170e verifyts_force -0000:1740 vdiff -0000:1748 clearts -0000:1751 dotschecksum -0000:1760 readts -0000:178b writesave -0000:17be magic -0000:17ce setscreen_piano -0000:1802 setscreen_config -0000:1843 setscreen_loadsave -0000:18dd setscreen_credits -0000:1927 setscreen_table -0000:1948 redraw_songptr -0000:1956 redraw_songptr_force -0000:1997 songcurcommon -0000:19b6 redraw_song -0000:1a1c setscreen_live -0000:1a6c setscreen_xy -0000:1a9e setscreen_seq -0000:1ad4 draw_seq -0000:1b13 getnotename -0000:1b36 lut_seqlayout -0000:1b42 getline -0000:1b4d vbl_credits -0000:1c16 lut_copper -0000:1c1a hblank_copperline -0000:1c32 vbl_loadsave -0000:1c53 vbl_loadsaveerr -0000:1c71 vbl_piano -0000:1cea vbl_config -0000:1d0b vbl_seq -0000:1d2f redrawnote_seq -0000:1d34 redrawnote_seq_a -0000:1d4a redrawaccent_seq -0000:1d4f redrawaccent_seq_a -0000:1d71 redrawslide_seq -0000:1d76 redrawslide_seq_a -0000:1d93 redrawosc_seq -0000:1d98 redrawosc_seq_a -0000:1db5 redrawarp_seq -0000:1dba redrawarp_seq_a -0000:1dcd redrawdrum_seq -0000:1dd2 redrawdrum_seq_a -0000:1dfc refresh_seq -0000:1e5b showcur_seq -0000:1e8e vbl_xy -0000:1ed5 vbl_table -0000:1ef9 vbl_live -0000:1f69 liv_erasepotlinks -0000:1f85 liv_eplcommon -0000:1fa4 liv_drawpotlinks -0000:1fc0 liv_dplcommon -0000:1fdf input_table -0000:20e5 redrawcur_song -0000:214c getsongpatt -0000:2168 updatesongpatt -0000:2197 input_piano -0000:2259 input_config -0000:233f selinputcfg -0000:2340 redrawcur_cfg -0000:237b cfg_updbpm -0000:237d cfg_updbpm_a -0000:23a6 cfg_updsync -0000:23a8 cfg_updsync_a -0000:23be cfg_updlforoute -0000:23c0 cfg_updlforoute_a -0000:23d6 cfg_updlforeset -0000:23d8 cfg_updlforeset_a -0000:23ee cfg_updsynthlr -0000:23f0 cfg_updsynthlr_a -0000:2409 cfg_upddrumslr -0000:240b cfg_upddrumslr_a -0000:2424 cfg_updovr -0000:2426 cfg_updovr_a -0000:243c setstereo -0000:244f lut_stereodrums -0000:2452 lut_stereosynth -0000:2455 cfg_curlist -0000:246a cfg_paramlist -0000:2495 input_loadsave -0000:2549 prompt_savepatt -0000:2566 prompt_loadpatt -0000:2575 prompt_savesong -0000:2592 prompt_loadsong -0000:25a1 prompt_format -0000:25b0 redrawcur_mem -0000:25eb curcommon -0000:2602 mem_updpattslot -0000:2625 mem_updsongslot -0000:2648 dumpmemlink -0000:2691 mem_curlist -0000:26ac mem_paramlist -0000:26e3 input_live -0000:2825 drumsicon -0000:2839 redrawcur_liv -0000:2894 liv_curcommon -0000:28ab liv_curlist -0000:28e7 liv_resetlastlink -0000:28f2 jt_rll -0000:290a input_xy -0000:295f input_seq -0000:2a91 jt_seqinputup -0000:2a9d jt_seqinputdown -0000:2aa9 jt_seqinputleft -0000:2ab5 jt_seqinputright -0000:2ac1 jt_seqinputB -0000:2acd seq_inc_note -0000:2aec seq_inc_arp -0000:2af8 seq_inc_drum -0000:2b0f seq_dec_note -0000:2b30 seq_dec_arp -0000:2b3c seq_dec_drum -0000:2b53 seq_dec_octave -0000:2b73 seq_dec_arph -0000:2b80 seq_dec_drumh -0000:2b97 seq_inc_octave -0000:2bb5 seq_inc_arph -0000:2bc2 seq_inc_drumh -0000:2bd9 seq_disable_note -0000:2bf3 seq_disable_accent -0000:2c00 seq_disable_slide -0000:2c0d seq_disable_osc -0000:2c1a seq_disable_arp -0000:2c26 seq_disable_drum -0000:2c33 seq_toggle_accent -0000:2c40 seq_toggle_slide -0000:2c4d seq_toggle_osc -0000:2c5a keyboard_show -0000:2ceb keyboard_hide -0000:2d01 vbl_keyboard -0000:2d39 input_keyboard -0000:2ead makekbaddr -0000:2ed7 text_keyboard -0000:2f31 confirm_show -0000:2f85 vbl_confirm -0000:2f9c input_confirm -0000:303a arpcommon -0000:3066 gparams -0000:3074 pparams -0000:308a sngparams -0000:30b4 paramsave -0000:3124 paramload -0000:315e savepattern -0000:31fa eetosave -0000:31fb loadpattern -0000:32b3 savesong -0000:338a loadsong -0000:3486 savegparams -0000:34bf loadgparams -0000:3503 geteepattname -0000:3545 geteesongname -0000:358e lfostep -0000:35ef resetlfo -0000:35f9 lut_drumsounds -0000:36e8 text_drums -0000:37a8 lut_cos -0000:38a8 text_config -0000:38f0 text_yes -0000:38f4 text_no -0000:38f8 text_memdef -0000:3902 text_confirm -0000:392d textptr_yesno -0000:3931 text_syncnone -0000:393e text_synclsdjs -0000:394b text_synclsdjmidi -0000:3958 text_syncnano -0000:3965 text_syncfmidi -0000:3972 textptr_sync -0000:397c text_lfon -0000:3986 text_lforc -0000:3990 text_lforr -0000:399a text_lforp -0000:39a4 textptr_lfor -0000:39ac text_l -0000:39af text_r -0000:39b2 text_lr -0000:39b5 text_stop -0000:39b8 textptr_lr -0000:39be text_piano -0000:39c2 text_xy -0000:39e8 text_live -0000:3a9f text_loadsave -0000:3b05 text_seq -0000:3b09 text_seqhelp -0000:3b1e text_table -0000:3b22 text_eos -0000:3b25 text_free -0000:3b2f text_used -0000:3b39 text_nosaves -0000:3b6e text_nopots -0000:3b95 text_credits -0000:3c3f text_clearname -0000:3c48 text_noteempty -0000:3c4c text_notecorrupt -0000:3c50 note_names -0000:3ce4 notelut -0000:3d5c map_keyb -0000:3d76 lut_softdist -0000:3e76 lut_harddist -0007:5800 tiles_alpha -0007:5bec tiles_screenmap -0007:5c2b tiles_logo -0007:5d38 tiles_error -0007:5dc4 tiles_dists -0007:5e6f tiles_lfoshapes -0007:5f24 tiles_potlinks -0007:639e tile_wingrad -0007:63b1 tiles_pot -0007:63f4 tiles_grid -0007:6407 tiles_gridcur -0007:641a tiles_keyb -0007:645f tiles_bignums -0007:658b tiles_curnote -0007:659e tiles_curseq -0007:65b1 tiles_curseq2 -0007:65c4 tiles_gridnote -0007:65d7 tiles_note -0007:65ea tiles_noteup -0007:65fd tiles_notedn -0007:6610 tiles_noteoff -0007:6623 mmap