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Christian Munoz edited this page Sep 3, 2017 · 2 revisions

Selenium Automation Toolbox

This project started as simple example framework on how to write Selenium automated UI tests, but recently I started to work on making my framework more robust and creating a way to update test settings quickly and easily for people that might not be too tech-savvy.

This project uses for the UI tests, but it can easily be updated to something else. It also provides:

  • Cake scripts to automate the building of the Visual Studio solution and running the tests.
  • NPM scripts to more easily:
    • Start a local Selenium Hub/Node: npm run hub or npm run node.
    • Run the Cake scripts: npm run build or npm run tests.
    • See descriptions in the console of what you can do: npm run help.
  • A simple GUI that give the user access to a suite of different functions:
    • Test Configurations: Add/update the test configurations
    • Test Runs: Import the NUnit test results. It provides a high level overview of test runs that have been imported and are saved to a local database.
    • Test Cases: WIP Import basic information for the tests included in your Selenium automated tests.

Note: If you are planning on using the GUI in this project to edit/update your test configurations, you have to save project to the root of your C: drive. If you are not going to use the GUI, then feel free to save the project wherever you like.