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This repo will build an AKS or EKS cluster and bootstrap it with the below configuration :

Cluster Setup and Configuration

  • Dev Dev cluster is deployed in a single region with the enviroments, Dev, QA, Staging being split via K8S namespaces. The application URL is exposed via FrontDoor service which is globally redundant. The backend member is application gateway that sends the traffic to the Nginx ingress controller.
  • Prod Prod cluster is deployed either in sigle region or across 2 regions, depending on how the script is run. The application URL is exposed via FrontDoor service which is globally redundant. The backend member is application gateway that sends the traffic to the Nginx ingress controller. The regions are called as PRD-A and PRD-B, and are in active passive mode. If traffic needs to be routed from the secondary region, make changes to the FrontDoor application using the scripts/workflow.

    AKS ingress flow

    Nginx as ingress

    Multi-Region AKS - Nginx

    Application Gateway(AGIC) as ingress

    Multi-Region AKS - AGIC

AKS specific instructions

  • DefectDojo and SonarQube uses dynamic volumes and are regional resources. The data in these apps are not relicated like a Globally redundant storage account. The Git workflow ensures to update the apps running on both regios and there by keeps them in sync.
  • For applications data dont use Dynamic volumes rather use Azure resources like Storage account with GRS, Azure SQL, KeyVault etc that have native globally redundant options available.

Authentication and Authorization

AKS only

  • RBAC enabled cluster with 3 nodepools. One is mandatory systempool to run pods in kube-system namespace. The other 2 are optional, edit the Terraform files to update the desired size and number of max/min nodes. The pools are also labelled, so pods will be placed based on node selectors or affinity.


  • Creates the following resources in k8s
    • NS: dev, qa, devops-addons, ingress and monitoring.
    • svcaccounts: build-robot account with automountServiceAccountToken: false
    • rbac:
      • k8s role to bind Azure AD group aks-dev-admins to have admin rights on dev namespace.
      • k8s role to bind Azure AD group aks-qa-admins to have admin rights on qa namespace.
      • cluster wide role to grant Azure AD group aks-dev-clus-admins to have admin rights on the Dev cluster.

Log Monitoring

AKS only

  • If you choose to use Azure Log analytics, run the script with the parameter K8SLogMonitoringType and K8SMetricsMonitoringType set to OMS. For example, .\k8s-core-resourcesv2.ps1 -createSPNifNotExists4K8S "true" -k8sEnvironment DEV -K8SLogMonitoringType OMS -K8SMetricsMonitoringType OMS


  • If you choose to use EFK stack, use the below parameters. .\k8s-core-resourcesv2.ps1 -createSPNifNotExists4K8S "true" -k8sEnvironment DEV -K8SLogMonitoringType EFKinCluster

Metrics Monitoring

AKS only

  • If you choose to use Azure Log analytics, run the script with the parameter K8SLogMonitoringType and K8SMetricsMonitoringType set to OMS. For example, .\k8s-core-resourcesv2.ps1 -createSPNifNotExists4K8S "true" -k8sEnvironment DEV -K8SLogMonitoringType OMS -K8SMetricsMonitoringType OMS


  • If you choose to use Promtheus in Thanos configuration, use the below parameters. .\k8s-core-resourcesv2.ps1 -createSPNifNotExists4K8S "true" -k8sEnvironment DEV -K8SMetricsMonitoringType HAPrometheus-Thanos

Audit logging

AKS only

  • If you chose Azure log analytics then the control plane logs can be queried using Azure monitor to alert for sensitve operations like K8S secrets read, creating/deleting deployments etc. Review the to add more queries as per your needs. Note that Log analytics can be expensive, and for a cluster size with 100 nodes max size during business hours, Log analytics cost per month would be AUD 30 per month = 3000 AUD per month For Azure deployment follow the instructions in

DevSecOps Toolkit

AKS only.

  • Azure security policies are enabled if you chose OMS as the monitoring type. Note that the K8S Pod Security Policies and Azure Policies are not compatible.


  • DefectDojo is used to host the reports from kube-bench and anchore.
    • kube-bench - This validates the cluster against CIS benchmarks on a daily basis. The pod logs are read by a cronjob running on git, and is sent to DefectDojo as a post. anchore - This validates the container images in the cluster and reports any vulnerability. The reports are sent to DefectDojo.
    • SonarQube - this is optional and is used for repos whose source code can be compiled directly. SonarQube cant be used to scan Docker images or code base. To enable DefectDojo and SonarQube. .\k8s-core-resourcesv2.ps1 -createSPNifNotExists4K8S "true" -k8sEnvironment DEV -requireDefectDojo true requireSonarQube true
    • OPA Gatekeeper policies - applies 10 baseline policies, review for more details

Login: Members of dev-devsecops-admins Azure AD group are authorized to login to Grafana, DefectDojo and SonarQube via SSO.

Refer for more details on this.

Maintainence stuff

AKS only

  • Kured is used for rebooting the worker nodes after patching. Review kured-1.4.5.yml and make changes as required. Default values for reboot is Mon-Sun between 11 pm and 5 am AEST.

Detailed implementation steps

For a detailed implementation steps, refer the below link.

Option:1 Deployment from GitHub Actions and Workflows

Run the below to create the required SPNs and check them into keyvault. This needs to be run from local PC while logged into Azure with contributor access level on the subscription.

Important Note: Be sure to be logged into Azure via Powershell and Az CLI before running the below

    - .\k8s-core-resourcesv2.ps1 -createSPNifNotExists4K8S "true" -k8sEnvironment DEV -dryRunforGithubActions "true"
    - .\k8s-core-resourcesv2.ps1 -createSPNifNotExists4K8S "true" -k8sEnvironment PRD -dryRunforGithubActions "true"

GitHub Secrets

For a list of secrets to be created refer

Workflow Status

Name Trigger Status
Release Drafter When a Git release is published. Release Drafter
AzDev-Kube-Bench-Kube-hunter-reports When a PR is approved into main branch. AzDev-Kube-Bench-hunter-reports
AzDev-Core-Infra-Deployment on commit to Develop branch. AzDev-Core-Infra-Deployment
Slack Notifications on Git events PR, deployment, commit, release etc. Slack Notifications
LintCodeBase on a commit on any branch LintCodeBase
create-release-package publish the package for every release LintCodeBase

Option: 2 Deployment from local PC.


Set the below environment variables


 - openssl pkcs12 -in stardotcloudkubexyz.pfx  -out stardotcloudkubexyz.enc.key  # extract private key from PFX
 - openssl rsa -in stardotcloudkubexyz.enc.key -outform PEM -out stardotcloudkubexyz.key # convert the encrypted key to unencrypted key.
 - $base64string = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$pwd/certs/stardotcloudkubexyz.key")) 
 - The value of $base64string should be set for $env:TLS_PRIVATE_KEY or Git secret TLS_PRIVATE_KEY


 - client ID for the SPN defectdojo-nonprod-devsecops


 - tenant ID for metricon in Azure.


 - client secret for the SPN defectdojo-nonprod-devsecops


 - initial admin password to login to DefectDojo. You can change this after logging in.


 - we are storing prometheus data in Azure storage account for LTR. We are currently using sametdevopsnp01 account's key for this var. This can also be set to use S3 instead of Azure storage.


 - if you need SMTP email alerts if something is wrong in K8S cluster, and if the SMTP server needs authentication. 


 - initial password for sonarqube, if none set defaults to admin

Executing the script

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the nginx-ingress chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
K8SLogMonitoringType which log monitoring type is required for K8S - OMS or EFKinCluster or ElasticInCloud or None or EFKinCluster
K8SMetricsMonitoringType which type of metrics monitoring is required for K8S - "OMS"or"HAPrometheus-Thanos"or"SingleInstancePrometheus"or"None" HAPrometheus-Thanos
requireDefectDojo is defectdojo installation required - true or false true
requireSonarQube is sonarqube installation required - true or false true
cloudProvider name of the cloud provider - az az
createSPNifNotExists4K8S create cluster SPN, Grafana SPN and DefectDojo SPN - true or false true
dryRunforGithubActions dry run just creates the required SPNs and skips applying TF, K8S templates - true or false false
applyTFTemplates to skip or apply terraform infra code - true or false true
serviceMeshType service mesh type - linkerd linkerd
k8sEnvironment which environment is this? - DEV or PRD DEV
requireTLSSecrets is TLS required for apps - true or false false
requireAzureFrontDoor is FrontDoor required - true or false true
productionClusterConfigType Prod HA configuration - PrimaryRegionOnly or PrimaryandSecondaryRegion PrimaryandSecondaryRegion
IngressController which ingress controller to use - Nginx or AppGW Nginx
Policies to user AzPolicies or your gatekeeper policies - AzPolicy or DIY-GateKeeper DIY-GateKeeper
DEFAULT_DEV_K8S_SPN_NAME SPN Name for the K8S dev-k8s-cluster-spn
DEFAULT_DEV_K8S_RG_NAME RG name where the AKS will exist RG-DEV-K8S-CLUSTER
DEFAULT_DEV_AZ_LOCATION Azure location Australia East
DEFAULT_DEV_DD_SPN_NAME SPN name for DefectDojo in Dev dev-defectdojo-sso-spn
DEFAULT_DEV_GRAFANA_SPN_NAME SPN name for Grafana in Dev dev-grafana-sso-spn
DEFAULT_DEV_URL_SUFFIX DNS suffix your Org owns
DEFAULT_PRD_K8S_SPN_NAME SPN Name for the K8S prd-k8s-cluster-spn
DEFAULT_PRD_A_K8S_RG_NAME RG name where the AKS will exist RG-PRD-A-K8S-CLUSTER
DEFAULT_PRD_B_K8S_RG_NAME RG name where the AKS will exist RG-PRD-B-K8S-CLUSTER
DEFAULT_PRD_A_AZ_LOCATION Azure location Australia East
DEFAULT_PRD_B_AZ_LOCATION Azure location southeastasia
DEFAULT_PRD_DD_SPN_NAME SPN name for DefectDojo in Dev prd-defectdojo-sso-spn
DEFAULT_PRD_GRAFANA_SPN_NAME SPN name for Grafana in Dev prd-grafana-sso-spn
DEFAULT_PRD_URL_SUFFIX DNS suffix your Org owns