- Give and receive feedback on pairing behaviors - see Pairing Rubric below
- Practice writing tests first
- Practice writing good tests - transparent box, SEAT pattern
- Practice the ‘refactor’ of red, green, refactor
- Practice frequent commits with good messages
- Clone this repository
npm install
npm test
- This exercise is meant to be completed with pair programming. Discuss when you will change driving/navigating roles.
- Use the acceptance criteria for the first story to write a failing test.
- Write the simplest code needed to make the test pass.
- Commit
- Move on to the next user story and continue until all stories are completed.
As a customer, I want to see that the vending machine has items, so that I can purchase them.
- Given that I approach the vending machine
- when I look at it,
- then I see items inside that I can buy
returns an array of objects with item and price:[{'crisps': 'Rs 100'}, {'chocolate': 'Rs 350'}, {'mints': 'Rs 70'}]
As a customer, I want to know how much money I have deposited, so that I know what I can purchase.
- Given I am using the vending machine,
- when I insert money,
- then I see the total I have deposited on a screen.
returns'You have deposited Rs 100'
- The machine should accept bills in these amounts:
10, 20, 50, 100, 500
As a customer, I want to add additional money, so that I can use the denominations I have to purchase an item.
- Given I have deposited money in the vending machine,
- when I deposit additional money,
- then I see the new total on a screen.
- After depositing Rs 100,
returns'You have deposited Rs 150'
As a customer, I want to see a message if my item is unavailable, so that I can make another choice.
- Given I am using the vending machine,
- when I enter a code for an item that is unavailable,
- then I see a message that the item is unavailable.
returns'The item you selected is unavailable'
As a customer, I want to see a message if my deposit is insufficient, so that I know to add more money.
- Given I have made a choice,
- when I have not deposited enough money for that item,
- then I see a message telling me how much more to deposit.
returns'Your deposit is insufficient. Please add Rs 20 for this item'
As a customer, I want to receive change, so that I don’t pay more than the item costs.
- Given I have made a selection,
- when the item is delivered,
- then I receive correct change (in correct monetary units)
returns an object with the item and an array of bills{item: 'mints', change: [20, 10]}
As a customer, I want to receive my money back when I push the cancel button, so that I can change my mind.
- Given that I have deposited money,
- When I push the cancel button,
- Then I receive my money back
returns{change: [100]}
As a customer, I want to know if the vending machine can make change, so that I can cancel my choice if it can't make change.
- Given I have deposited money and selected a choice,
- when the machine does not have correct change,
- then I see a message
returns'Cannot return proper change. Please choose another item or cancel the transaction'
=> array of objects with item and pricedeposit(denomination)
=> totalDepositselectItem(code)
=> item + change || insufficient funds msg || insufficient change msg || item not available msgcancel()
=> totalDepositReturned