Information Service Engineering course
ontologies with:
- protege
- good alternative:
How to tell people an information which is in a copiright book like Software sustainability?
what is industry context the compony operates
- predictable outcom - swot
- discrete possibilites - ccreate options that allow to cange course towards different discrete goals
- range of outcomes - experimentation
- absolute aoutcome
codification - focus on technology that enablesto work togather
new technologies: knowledge integration vs old technologies like knowledge transmission
- core knowledge
- advanced knowledge
- innovative knowledge
- there in no one right way
- the measurement of knowledge
- scalability necessitates demonstration of short term impact
- count in tacit knowledge
- perspectives
- values
- beliefs
- create a shared context
- begin with what you have
how to do:
- vision & mission - what you do for the society until april 12
especially in scandinavia
- LO does not exist without the OL
- OL does not exist without the individual learning
- individual learning does not implay OL and LO
- a learning organization has specific principles and specific methodologies for activating the learning potetntial of the hierarchical system
- priciples:
- self-organization
- self-optimization
- self-control
- self-adaptation of the operating system
factors affecting group learning
- member contribution
- levels of group interaction
- task constraints and focus
- leadership behavior to facilitate the process
- resources
- conflict resolution
kinds of organizational:
- kinds of organizational learning according to marquardt
- kinds of organizational learning according to argysis
- single loop learning
house of quality cretor tool:
this one is our:
I've learned a lot about how to collect all my ideas about a concept, and what is a good management system for this. Also, I've seen how to organize my thoughts and see the hidden connections between things.
According to my learning, computer engineering is an important thing because this is the first step in project management too.