Crackme writeup by @310hkc41b user b1h0
To analyze this file I have used two methods: static, with Ghidra, and dynamic with x64dbg. (In Ghidra there are few notes. I am still learning).
- After analyzing the binary, if we look at the strings in memory it is easy to identify what the user names would be, and probably encrypted vip codes.
User names and encrypted passwords strings
Main function is located at 00401000
At the beginning of this subroutine, it sets a value of 1 over a memory position, where at the end of the process it returns to 0, so it is apparently a Boolean control variable.
- At address 006CFE16 fills char 'a' 64 times.
- Create a Mutex using string "gcc-shmem-tdm2-use_fc_key".
This information is probably not relevant to find the VIP CODES, but I liked to put it. 😅
At address 006CFDFC, after the creation of Mutex, to the string used are added all the 'a' that had been created previously, but changing some lowercase 'a' to uppercase 'A'. Remaining the resulting string as follows: "gcc-shmem-tdm2-use_fc_key-aaaaaaaaaAAaaAaaAaaaAaAaAAAAaaaa"
At address 004B8080 It makes a comparison of different memory positions and activates a flag (Boolean variable) for each memory position that has the value 1 activated that is also supposedly Boolean. The same at address 004B7FF0 & 004B7F20 & 004B7E50 (other information that is not useful to solve)
A sub that do memory comparisons and activate boolean flag
- From the address 004B769F are the functions that the user names reveal to us. The names are: joe, nick, monkey, dmitry and leonard.
- At 004B4160 there is the function that compares the string with the username.
- From address 004B7750 some operations with strings like: e9hy94nono2hhk52k4dihy64k, abc123l6encrypted99fsnzsf. They are the "VIP codes" that are encrypted.
These resulting encrypted strings, are the VIP Codes
- At address 004B6400 Ask for the data
- And now, the function that really matters to us. The one that decrypts the VIP Code. It is in the address 00401CF0. Just put a breakpoint at address 00401D67 and check that it is what is loaded into the EAX register that contains the memory address where the VIP CODE is.
Here are the list of names, ecoded and decoded vip codes are:
name encrypted vip code decrypted vip code
joe e9hy94nono2hhk52k4dihy64k f5gz51xyxy6ggj96j1mlgz21j ok
nick abc123l6encrypted99fsnzsf bac468i2fxctzvrfm55eqx0qe ???
monkey lol566kokoko602hm6i2h35n2 iyi922jyjyjy2o6gd2l6g89x6 ok
dmitry jokes843toohard567asm7b73 kyjfq318ryygbtm927bqd7a78 ???
leonard five2156sizx67o1hn7m891h2 elwf6492ql0n27y4gx7d354g6 ???
But something curious happens. Only work VIP Codes for joe and monkey users. The other VIP Codes that are generated when tested do not seem correct as the following message is displayed: "Please enter lower english letters and numbers only!"
Result of the two VIP Codes that work.
VIP Codes that do not work: "Please enter lower english letters and numbers only!"
That's all folks!!!