This is a Leaflet plugin for loading your spatialized data into leaflet based on leaflet-omnivore and Leaflet.FileLayer plugins. This plugin was made looking for a convenient and easy to use plugin for loading external spatial files to leaflet.
It currently supports:
- JSON (Using the GeoJSON structure)
- CSV (via csv2geojson)
- WKT (via wellknown)
- TopoJSON (via topojson-client)
- Encoded Polylines (via polyline)
- Shapefile (via shpjs) (zipped or separate files)
npm install leaflet-better-filelayer
Checkout the Demo
Below gif show an example of loading a separated shapefile using drag and drop.
Note: The plugin only looks for .shp
, .dbf
, .shx
, .prj
with the same name.
As map option:
const map ='map', { betterFileLayerControl: true })
Or like any control
For more detailed docs, please check the wiki
// The Options object
options = {
position: 'topleft', // Leaflet control position
fileSizeLimit: 1024, // File size limit in kb (default: 1024 kb)
style: () => {}, // Overwrite the default BFL GeoJSON style function
onEachFeature: () => {}, // Overwrite the default BFL GeoJSON onEachFeature function
layer: L.customLayer, // If you want a custom layer to be used (must be a GeoJSON class inheritance)
// Restrict accepted file formats (default: .gpx, .kml, .kmz, .geojson, .json, .csv, .topojson, .wkt, .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, .zip)
formats:['.geojson', '.kml', '.gpx'],
importOptions: { // Some file types may have import options, for now, just csv is documented
csv: {
delimiter: ';',
latfield: 'LAT',
lonfield: 'LONG',
text: { // If you need translate
title: "Import a layer", // Plugin Button Text
Event Name | Data | Description |
bfl:layerloaded |
{ layer: L.Layer } | Event fired when the data is sucessfuly loaded on map. It returns the layer reference |
bfl:layerloaderror |
{ layer: string } | Event fired when the loader fails to load your file. It returns the name of the file |
bfl:filenotsupported |
{ layer: string } | Event fired when the loader does not support the file type of your file. It returns the name of the file |
bfl:layerisempty |
{ layer: string } | Event fired when the layer haven't any features. It returns the name of the file |
bfl:filesizelimit |
{ layer: string } | Event fired when the file's size exceeds the file size limit (fileSizeLimit option). It returns the name of the file |
If you are developing a web application and you want to use your own html button outside the map container, you can use the following code:
// Note: The button have to be type "file"
// Example: <input type="file" accept=".gpx,.kml,.geojson,.json" multiple />
const options = {
button: document.getElementById('my-button'), // Your button HTML reference
const control = L.Control.betterFileLayer(options)
After that, the plugin will bind an "on change" event on this button, waiting for files.
You can see the example here
The Drag and Drop event listener will bind it self automatically
Install the development dependencies
npm install --save-dev
Start the webpack watch to compile and save at dist/ after any change
npm run dev
Open index.html
in your browser and start editing
To run unity tests:
npm run test
- Gabriel Russo
- Copyright (c) 2014, Mapbox
- Copyright (c) 2012, Michael Bostock
- Copyright (c) 2012 Makina Corpus
See License for more details