USSD application used for voting
- install node from ""
- Use any code editor of your chosen.
- The necessary dependence should be installed from npm (using 'npm i' command in the terminal).
- A firebase account is required which can be created using "".
- Proceed to firebase console and click "CREATE NEW PROJECT".
- Provide the required details on the form provided and click "CREATE PROJECT".
- Select "Add Firebase to your web app" on the next menu that pops up.
- Enter App Details and continue the configuration by following the on-screen instruction.
- Following this link "" on how to setup and configure Firebase Admin SDK to the node server.
- create a "./.env" file to create an environment variable called "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" which will hold a reference to where the credentials for your application gotten from the step above are stored locally on your system. 11."./module/dummy-data/dummy-data.js" contains dummy data which can be stored in the database to test the application.
- run the following command in your terminal (referencing the directory holding the code) "node index".
- Postman ("") can be used to test the end point using "localhost:port/routes/ussd". port represent the port which your application is running on (default is 3000).
- Alternatively, the code is hosted on "heroku" and has being linked to a simulator on "Africa's Talking" with the following USSD code "*348*30340#". Proceed to any mobile store and download "Africa's Talking" mobile app. Use the following mobile number for configuring the app "+2349096295636" because only a number stored in the database as an accredited voter will be allowed to vote. proceed to dial the above USSD code.