Task runner based on Envoy and Mina
Task: Everything is based on this entity, it has steps that are the commands that will be performed somewhere. Ex: git clone
Group: Group of tasks that represents an business operation. Ex: deploy
How to use this crazy gem.
Define some tasks
class GitCloneTask < Caracara::Task
# Clone the repository
step 'git clone {{repository}} {{dest}}/scm/{{version}} --recursive'
# Run commands inside the repo folder
dir '{{dest}}/scm/{{version}}' do
# Checkout to the lastest tag
step 'git checkout {{version}}'
# Remove .git/ folder
step 'rm -rf .git/'
class DockerTask < Caracara::Task
# Access new app folder
dir '{{dest}}/scm/{{version}}' do
# Build the image
step 'docker build -t {{image}} .'
# Remove the current container
step 'docker rm -f {{container}}'
# Start it again
step 'docker run -d --name {{container}} {{image}}'
Group these tasks
class DeployGroup < Caracara::Group
# Clone it
task :clone, GitCloneTask
# Dockernize it
task :docker, DockerTask
Intialize the group
# Set the options
options = {
repository: 'git@github.com:gabrielcorado/caracara.git',
dest: '/home/user/apps',
version: '0.0.0.alpha',
image: 'caracara',
container: 'caracara_app'
# Initialize the group
deploy = DeployGroup.init options
Generate the commands
# Compile the group commands
commands = deploy.compile_all
Generate the SSH Command
ssh_command = Caracara::SSH.generate 'user', 'localhost', commands
Run the command in your server
Caracara::SSH.exec ssh_command
- Generating docker image
docker build -t caracara .
- Running the RSpec (for shell fish)
docker run -v (pwd):/caracara --rm caracara bundle exec rspec