Mathematical background: Linear Models in Scikit-Learn.
Datasets: UCI Machine Learning Repository.
- The code has been written and tested in Python 3.7.7.
- Multi-input/multi-output (multivariate) regression implementation.
- Quadratic cost function for linear regression of continuous problems.
- Cross-entropy cost function for logistic regression of classification problems.
- Both cost functions include an L2-type regularization term.
- Classes in logistic regression are determined automatically.
- Sigmoid and cross-entropy function are computed using a numerically stable implementation.
- Option to not to compute and return the gradient of the cost function.
- Option to reduce the learning rate during the computation.
- A gradient descent optimizer (GDO) is included in utils.py, together with several other utility functions.
- The Regression class in regression.py is not constrained to the GDO solver but it can be used with any other optimizer.
- Usage: python test.py example.
Name of the example to run (plant, stock, seed, wine.)
Defines the type of problem. Equal to C specifies logistic regression, anything else specifies linear regression. The default value is None
Specifies if the gradient is calculated and returned. The default value is True
File name with the dataset (csv format).
Number of features in the dataset (needed only for linear regression).
Split value between training and test data.
Regularization factor.
Max. number of iterations (GDO).
Learning rate (GDO).
Rate decay of the learning rate (GDO).
, tolF
Gradient absolute tolerance and function relative tolerance (GDO). If both are specified the GDO will exit if either is satisfied. If both are not specified the GDO will exit when the max. number of iterations is reached.
There are four examples in test.py: plant, stock, seed, wine. Since GDO is used, use_grad
is set to True
data_file = 'plant_dataset.csv'
n_features = 4
split_factor = 0.7
L2 = 0.0
epochs = 5000
alpha = 0.1
d_alpha = 1.0
tolX = 1.e-10
tolF = None
Original dataset: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Combined+Cycle+Power+Plant.
The dataset has 4 features, 1 label, 9568 samples, and 5 variables.
Closed-form solution: [4.54308846e+02, -1.48096084e+01, -2.89406829e+00, 4.11171081e-01, -2.29397325e+00].
Predicted/actual correlation values: 0.965 (training), 0.961 (test).
Exit on tolX
after 2167 epochs.
data_file = 'stock_dataset.csv'
n_features = 7
split_factor = 0.70
L2 = 0.0
epochs = 5000
alpha = 0.2
d_alpha = 1.0
tolX = 1.e-7
tolF = None
Original dataset: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/ISTANBUL+STOCK+EXCHANGE.
The dataset has 7 features, 2 labels, 536 samples, and 16 variables.
Closed-form solution: [ 0.00073131, 0.00136731, -0.00056476, -0.00317299, 0.00135512, 0.00584854, -0.00018105, -0.00161590, 0.00545528, 0.00059722, 0.00671988, 0.00202262, 0.00014225, 0.00309809, 0.00059391, 0.00506524]
Predicted/actual correlation values: 0.944 (training), 0.945 (test).
Exit on tolX
after 812 epochs.
data_file = 'seed_dataset.csv'
problem = 'C'
split_factor = 0.70
L2 = 0.0
epochs = 50000
alpha = 0.9
d_alpha = 1.0
tolX = None
tolF = 1.e-6
Original dataset: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/seeds.
The dataset has 7 features, 3 classes, 210 samples, and 24 variables.
Predicted/actual accuracy values: 97.3% (training), 95.2% (test).
Exit on tolF
after 19387 epochs.
data_file = 'wine_dataset.csv'
problem = 'C'
split_factor = 0.70
L2 = 0.0
epochs = 20000
alpha = 0.99
d_alpha = 1.0
tolX = 1.e-15
tolF = 1.e-15
Original dataset: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/wine+quality.
The dataset has 11 features, 6 classes, 1599 samples, and 72 variables.
Predicted/actual accuracy values: 60.7% (training), 57.9% (test).
Exit on epochs
with tolX
= 5.0e-5 and tolF
= 2.0e-9.