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Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. build codecov

A Java library for the W3C Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (TD). This library is a work-in-progress.

What you can do with the current version:

  • read/write TDs in RDF; this library uses RDF4J and supports Turtle and JSON-LD 1.0
  • use property and action affordances with the data schemas defined by the W3C Recommendation
    • JSON Schema keywords are mapped to IRIs using the JSON Schema in RDF vocabulary
    • not all terms (and not all default values) are currently supported
  • use composite data schemas (e.g., arrays of nested objects with semantic annotations)
  • create HTTP requests from a given TD and parse HTTP responses based on a given TD


  • JDK 8+

Reading TDs

We can parse a TD from a string like so:

ThingDescription td = TDGraphReader.readFromString(TDFormat.RDF_TURTLE, description);

Or from a URL:

ThingDescription td = TDGraphReader.readFromURL(TDFormat.RDF_TURTLE, url);

Creating and Writing TDs

The library provides a fluent API for constructing TDs. This feature can be useful, for instance, to expose TDs for resources hosted on origin servers, or to expose TDs via intermediaries in order to integrate legacy devices.

For instance, we can construct a TD for a lamp as follows:

ThingDescription td = (new ThingDescription.Builder("My Lamp Thing"))

The above code snippet creates a ThingDescription for a lamp with the title My Lamp Thing (mandatory property) and the semantic type saref:LightSwitch (see SAREF ontology). The lamp exposes a toggle action, which can be defined in a similar manner:

ActionAffordance toggle = new ActionAffordance.Builder(toggleForm)
    .addInputSchema(new ObjectSchema.Builder()
        .addProperty("status", new BooleanSchema.Builder()

Our toggle action has the semantic type saref:ToggleCommand and takes as input an ObjectSchema that represents a saref:OnOffState. The object schema requires a status property of type BooleanSchema.

The toggle action is exposed via a Form, which is a type of hypermedia control. To create a form, we have to specify at least the method to be used and a target URI:

Form toggleForm = new Form("PUT", "");

We can serialize our TD in Turtle like so (support for other formats is to be added):

String description = new TDGraphWriter(td)
        .setNamespace("td", "")
        .setNamespace("htv", "")
        .setNamespace("hctl", "")
        .setNamespace("wotsec", "")
        .setNamespace("dct", "")
        .setNamespace("js", "")
        .setNamespace("saref", "")

The generated TD is:

@prefix td: <> .
@prefix htv: <> .
@prefix hctl: <> .
@prefix wotsec: <> .
@prefix js: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix saref: <> .

<> a td:Thing, saref:LightSwitch;
  dct:title "My Lamp Thing";
  td:hasSecurityConfiguration [ a wotsec:NoSecurityScheme ];
  td:hasActionAffordance [ a td:ActionAffordance, saref:ToggleCommand;
      dct:title "Toggle";
      td:hasForm [
          htv:methodName "PUT";
          hctl:hasTarget <>;
          hctl:forContentType "application/json";
          hctl:hasOperationType td:invokeAction
      td:hasInputSchema [ a js:ObjectSchema, saref:OnOffState;
          js:properties [ a js:BooleanSchema;
              js:propertyName "status"
          js:required "status"

In the above listing, notice the TDGraphWriter added for us a number of default values specified by the W3C WoT TD recommendation (e.g., application/json for our form's content type).


A Java library for the W3C WoT Thing Description:







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  • Java 100.0%