Built and developed overnight... I really need to sleep more...
I conduct exams and host practice contests on HackerRank. This is a useful tool to gather Leaderboard Information.
It generates an excel sheet for each contestID as well as a final Leaderboard, consisting the total sum of all leaderboards.
- You can insert your contest ID's in the box in the first window.
- You are meant to insert a single or multiple ID's separated by comma's( , ).
- EX : If the URL is, https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/projecteuler/challenges, then the contest ID is projecteuler
- Download and install Python here.
- Download the latest release zip file here, unpack into another folder.
- Run main.py in cmd with python main.py.
- Needs openpyxl, tkinter, requests, and pandas. If unavailable, use the requirements.txt to install, pip install -r requirements.txt
- OR use commands to install EX : pip install
Special shoutout to renaissance0ne for his contribution!