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add SimulateGaiaSource for binaries
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Alfred Castro Ginard authored and Alfred Castro Ginard committed Apr 22, 2024
1 parent cbd0c48 commit 463757e
Showing 1 changed file with 163 additions and 1 deletion.
164 changes: 163 additions & 1 deletion src/gaiaunlimited/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
import astropy.units as u
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import fetch_utils
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from astropy import constants, coordinates
import pickle
from astromet import sigma_ast

__all__ = ["coord2healpix", "get_healpix_centers"]
__all__ = ["coord2healpix", "get_healpix_centers","SimulateGaiaSource"]

def get_healpix_centers(order,nest=False):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,3 +79,160 @@ def coord2healpix(coords, frame, nside, nest=True):

class SimulateGaiaSource(fetch_utils.DownloadMixin):

"""Forward model to estimate RUWE for single sources or binary systems in Gaia DR3.
If you use this model in a publication please cite (change for new paper):

print("Functionality under development")

datafiles = {
"dict_SL_ruwe.pkl": " "#""

def __init__(self, ra, dec, period=0, eccentricity=0, initial_phase=0, epoch=2016.0):

print("WARNING: This functionality is currently under development. Use with caution.")
with open(self._get_data("dict_SL_ruwe.pkl"),'rb') as f:
SL_hpx5 = pickle.load(f)
print("WARNING: missing data file.")
self.ra = ra
self.dec = dec
self.epoch = epoch
coord = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=ra*, dec=dec*, frame='icrs')
phi_ = coord.ra.deg
theta_ = coord.dec.deg
hp_ind = hp.ang2pix(hp.order2nside(5),phi_,theta_,lonlat = True,nest = False)
self.t_obs = np.array(SL_hpx5[hp_ind]['observation_times_years'])
self.scan_angle = np.array(SL_hpx5[hp_ind]['scanning_angles_radians'])
self.parallax_factor = np.array(SL_hpx5[hp_ind]['AL_parallax_factor'])
self.set_period_eccentricity_and_phase(period, eccentricity, initial_phase)
return None
def set_period_eccentricity_and_phase(self, period, eccentricity, initial_phase):
self.period = period
self.eccentricity = eccentricity
self.initial_phase = initial_phase
return None
def _calculate_eta_and_phi(self):
self.η = np.atleast_2d(
eta(self.t_obs, self.period, self.eccentricity, self.initial_phase)
self.ϕ = (
2 * np.arctan(np.sqrt((1 + self.eccentricity)/(1 - self.eccentricity)) \
* np.tan(0.5 * self.η)) % (2 * np.pi)
self.cos_ϕ = np.cos(self.ϕ)
self.sin_ϕ = np.sin(self.ϕ)
self.a_to_r = (1 - self.eccentricity * np.cos(self.η)).T
return None
def observe(self, phot_g_mean_mag, parallax, a, q, l, phi, theta, omega):
phot_g_mean_mag, parallax, a, q, l, phi, theta, omega = map(
(phot_g_mean_mag, parallax, a, q, l, phi, theta, omega)
r = self.a_to_r @ a
g = (1-(np.cos(phi)**2)*(np.sin(theta)**2))**-0.5
x_com = r*g*(self.cos_ϕ - np.cos(phi - self.ϕ)*np.cos(phi)*(np.sin(theta)**2))
y_com = r*g*self.sin_ϕ*np.cos(theta)
inv_1pq = 1/(1+q)
ratio = abs(l-q)/((1+l)*(1+q)) # -1
x_p = x_com * ratio
y_p = y_com * ratio
ra_p = parallax*(x_p*np.cos(omega) + y_p*np.sin(omega))
de_p = parallax*(y_p*np.cos(omega) - x_p*np.sin(omega))
al_positions = ra_p.T * np.sin(self.scan_angle) + de_p.T * np.cos(self.scan_angle)
al_errors = sigma_ast(phot_g_mean_mag).flatten()
al_positions += np.random.normal(np.zeros_like(al_positions),al_errors.reshape((-1,1)))
return (al_positions, al_errors)
def unit_weight_error(self, al_positions, al_errors):
N, T = al_positions.shape
assert al_errors.size == N
A = self.design_matrix_solveRUWE
C = np.linalg.solve(A.T @ A, np.eye(5))
ACAT = A @ C @ A.T
R = al_positions - al_positions @ ACAT
return np.sqrt(np.sum((R/al_errors.reshape((-1, 1)))**2, axis=1) / (T - 5))
def design_matrix_solveRUWE(self):
return np.column_stack([
(self.t_obs - self.epoch) * np.sin(self.scan_angle),
(self.t_obs - self.epoch) * np.cos(self.scan_angle),

def eta(
t: Iterable[float],
period: float,
eccentricity: float,
initial_phase: float,
max_iter: Optional[int] = 30
) -> Iterable[float]:
Calculate the true anomaly at the given times, given the orbital parameters.
:param t:
The time of observation(s) [jyear].
:param period:
The orbital period of the binary [years].
:param eccentricity:
The eccentricity of the binary orbit.
:param initial_phase:
The phase of the orbit at `t = 0` [radians].
:param max_iter: [optional]
The maximum number of iterations to perform when solving for the true anomaly.
The true anomaly at the given times [radians].
if period == 0:
return np.zeros_like(t)

ω = (2 * np.pi * (t / period) + initial_phase) % (2 * np.pi)
sin_ω = np.sin(ω)
cos_ω = np.cos(ω)
η = (
+ eccentricity*sin_ω
+ (eccentricity**2)*sin_ω*cos_ω
+ 0.5*(eccentricity**3)*sin_ω*(3*(cos_ω**2)-1)

for n in range(max_iter):
sin_η = np.sin(η)
cos_η = np.cos(η)
f = η - eccentricity*sin_η - ω
d_f = 1 - eccentricity*cos_η
d2_f2 = eccentricity*sin_η
delta_η = -f*d_f / (d_f*d_f - 0.5*f*d2_f2)
η += delta_η
if (np.max(np.abs(delta_η)) < 1e-5):
logger.warn(f"Did not converge after {max_iter} iterations ({delta_η:.1e}).")

return η

earth_sun_mass_ratio = (constants.M_earth/constants.M_sun).value

def lagrangian_point_2_coordinates(t):
pos = coordinates.get_body_barycentric('earth', time.Time(t, format='jyear'))
l2corr = 1 + (earth_sun_mass_ratio/3)**(1/3)
return l2corr * np.vstack([pos.x.value, pos.y.value, pos.z.value]).T

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