Dockerfile for TIPseqHunter pipeline
Here we present the docker
version of TIPseqHunter pipeline. This approach has the ability to encapsulate all java dependencies, read aligners, genome indexes and biological annotation files needed by both steps of the pipeline:
and [
], once manipulating all these dependencies ends up being a little tricky depending on user expertise.
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
TIPseqHunter needs biological annotation files that occupy a few gigabytes. In order to deal with these files, we created a gzipped tarball which is currently hosted in AWS. So, to successfully build the docker image, it is required to define the variable
, which may point to the tarball URL, to the docker build command.
Inside the tipseq_hunter folder, build the image:
$ docker build --build-arg tarball_url= -t tipseqhunter .
Another and better option is using the Makefile
inside tipseq_hunter folder:
$ make build
Pull tipseqhunter image from dockerhub registry:
$ docker pull galantelab/tipseqhunter
Or using Makefile:
$ make pull
Pay attention! You will need to use
in the commands if you are not member of the docker group
Once installed the docker image, the user may apply the Makefile
, in order to automate the process of creating the container and running the pipeline, as well as using the ordinary docker run command.
By default the TIPseqHunterPipelinejar/TipseqHunterPipelineJarSomatic runs in a container-private folder. You need to change this using flags, like user (-u), current directory, and volumes (-w and -v). It is important to mount the fastq directory and output directory, that way docker can find the required files:
$ docker run \
--rm \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v path_to_fastq_folder:path_to_fastq_folder \
-v path_to_output_folder:path_to_output_folder \
-w path_to_output_folder \
tipseqhunter \ path_to_fastq_folder path_to_output_folder fastq_r1 key_r1 key_r2 number_of_reads
That command sets the user UID:GID, mounts the input/ouput directories, sets the current working directory as the output folder and, finally, runs script. In the end, the container is automatically removed.
The TIPseqHunterPipelinejar/TIPseqHunterPipelineJarSomatic runs based on some cutoffs. There is a default value to each one, but you might change it through environment variables. The best way to do it is by a configuration file to the docker run command. You can find an example in config.env
file, which is already set to the default values. To use it with docker run:
$ docker run \
--rm \
--env-file=config.env \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v path_to_fastq_folder:path_to_fastq_folder \
-v path_to_output_folder:path_to_output_folder \
-w path_to_output_folder \
tipseqhunter \ path_to_fastq_folder path_to_output_folder fastq_r1 key_r1 key_r2 number_of_reads
The Makefile
can be used to build
, pull
and run
the TIPseqHunter scripts inside docker:
$ make
help This help
build Build the image
build-nc Build the image without caching
pull Pull the latest tagged image from the dockerhub registry
remove Remove the lattest tagged image
run Run TIPseqHunter pipeline completely
run-pipeline Run
run-pipeline-somatic Run
up Pull and run TIPseqHunter pipeline completely
stop Stop and remove a running container
version Output the current version
When running the pipeline, the Makefile
automatically searches for a file named config.env
in the current directory, so
if it exists, you can just call:
$ make run
Or use another file with a different name:
$ make run CONFIG=another_config.txt
The arguments to TIPseqHunterPipelinejar/TIPseqHunterPipelineJarSomatic can be passed into the config.env
or through the command line:
$ make run \
CONFIG=another_config.txt \
INPUT_DIR=fastq_folder \
OUTPUT_DIR=ouput_folder \
FASTQ_R1=example_R1.fa \
KEY_R1=R1 \
KEY_R2=R2 \
That is it! 😄