Releases: gallickgunner/Yune
This is the first release that is decent enough to be used by others. Removed NanoGUI, FreeImage and Eigen as dependencies and instead added DearImGui, Glm and stb_image_write.
Overhauled the GUI and added a bunch of options to be configured by the programmer such as setting the camera matrix, setting kernel workgroup sizes etc.
Fixed a couple of existing bugs in UDPT. Naive bdpt implemented. Model loading support (althought currently it reads custom obj files, need to fix in future release)
Bug fixes
Place proper Acquire and Release GL objects commands before enqueuing post-processing kernel. This caused black screen on certain platforms not supporting
Update FPS code so FPS no longer shoots up after you stop moving the camera.
Added Features,
-Multiple Importance Sampling
-HDR Images
-Tone mapping and Gamma Correction
Support for arbitrary geometry still not present.
See added Notes.txt for more details.
A basic uni directional path tracer implementation comprising of the following elements.
-Next Event Estimation aka Explicit direct light sampling
-Russian Roulette path termination
-Modified Phong BRDF (1994 - Lafortune)
-Multiple Light Source heuristic (chooses a single light source out of multiple ones)