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Gaming: Solved. web application


This is the full code base of the web application behind

The Gaming: Solved. service itself is no longer actively maintained - as of November 2017, the website is still running, but account log in and account registration are deactivated.

The project started as a for-profit experiment in the cloud gaming market, but due to lack of time and too much competition, it will not be continued.

Because it was built on Open Source components, I would like to give back what I can and thus publish the source code for educational reasons.

The web application is a relatively complex Symfony 3.x application which integrates with Amazon AWS.

You will find the identifier ubiqmache in several places of this codebase - this was the product name of the early version.

I'm not wiping this codebase of secrets. Accounts/access related to these secrets have been removed - I hope :-)

If I should ever find the time, I will write a guide to the codebase. Until then, you are on your own.

Dev setup

If you want to use Docker for MySQL, but work with the app and PHP locally



docker run --name ubiqmachine-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mysql:5.7

// Wait a moment for MySQL to start

docker exec -ti ubiqmachine-mysql mysql -psecret -e "CREATE DATABASE ubiqmachine_webapp_dev;"
docker exec -ti ubiqmachine-mysql mysql -psecret -e "CREATE DATABASE ubiqmachine_webapp_test;"

php composer.phar install

    database_host (ub_db):
    database_port (null):
    database_name (symfony): ubiqmachine_webapp
    database_user (root):
    database_password (root): secret
    mailer_transport (smtp):
    mailer_host (
    mailer_user (null):
    mailer_password (null):
    secret (ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt):
    paypal_api_username (foo):
    paypal_api_password (bar): HRCA69R59KW66GFC
    paypal_api_signature (baz): AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31AoDTxAHRx.0l91OkuS5M0NqyxtQv
    jms_payment_core_encryption_secret (ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt): def00000195a17f4515bcdbdbc271b343f07ecc53cb64d7e9ccdbdb3c10f7a74d31cbc51a1af971a0231f87976d506351213ee791c6cf8e74dc2c91e3198943eb7b7be88

php bin/console --env=dev doctrine:migrations:migrate
php bin/console --env=test doctrine:migrations:migrate

php bin/console server:start

Now open []

If you want to use Docker for everything



docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm ub_phpfpm composer install --prefer-dist
docker-compose up -d 
bin/docker-console doc:data:create
bin/console-docker doc:sch:up --force

Mac OS (docker-machine)

docker-machine start ubiqmachine
eval $(docker-machine env ubiqmachine)
docker-compose run --rm ub_phpfpm composer install --prefer-dist
docker-compose up -d
bin/ $(docker-machine ip ubiqmachine)
bin/docker-console doc:data:create
bin/console-docker doc:sch:up --force

Now open [http://ubiqmachine.local]

Coding Rules

All DateTime values must always be handled as UTC, and must always explicitly be created so:

$dt = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));

Also, when taking parameters of type DateTime, please check for compliance like so:

if ($dt->getTimezone()->getName() !== 'UTC') throw new \Exception();

If you want to present a datetime to the user, please convert at the last moment possible (view layer etc.).



docker run --name ubiqmachine-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mysql:5.7
docker exec -ti ubiqmachine-mysql mysql -psecret -e "CREATE DATABASE ubiqmachine_webapp_dev;"

php composer.phar install

php bin/console --env=dev doctrine:migrations:migrate

php bin/console assets:install --symlink

php bin/console --env=dev app:cloudinstancemanagement `cat ../infrastructure/puppet/modules/ubiqmachine-webapp/templates/etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/preprod/aws-api-key.txt` `cat ../infrastructure/puppet/modules/ubiqmachine-webapp/templates/etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/preprod/aws-api-secret.txt` ../infrastructure/puppet/modules/ubiqmachine-webapp/templates/etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/preprod/aws-keypair-private-key.pem `cat ../infrastructure/puppet/modules/ubiqmachine-webapp/templates/etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/preprod/paperspace-api-key.txt`

php bin/console -v --env=dev app:generatebillableitems


rsync -avc --exclude app/config/parameters.yml --exclude .git --exclude var/cache/dev --exclude var/cache/test --exclude var/logs/dev.log --exclude var/logs/test.log ~/Dropbox/Projects/cloudgaming/ubiqmachine-webapp/ www-data@

sudo -u www-data php bin/console --env=preprod cache:clear

sudo -u www-data php bin/console --env=preprod doctrine:migrations:migrate

screen -d -m bash -c "sudo -u www-data watch -n5 'cd /opt/ubiqmachine-webapp/preprod && /usr/bin/php bin/console -v --env=preprod app:generatebillableitems >> /var/tmp/ubiqmachine-webapp.preprod.generatebillableitems.`date +%Y-%m-%d`.log 2>&1'"

screen -d -m bash -c "sudo -u www-data watch -n5 'cd /opt/ubiqmachine-webapp/preprod && /usr/bin/php bin/console --env=preprod app:cloudinstancemanagement $(cat /etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/preprod/aws-api-key.txt) $(cat /etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/preprod/aws-api-secret.txt) /etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/preprod/aws-keypair-private-key.pem >> /var/tmp/ubiqmachine-webapp.preprod.cloudinstancemanagement.`date +%Y-%m-%d`.log 2>&1'"


rsync -avc --exclude app/config/parameters.yml --exclude .git --exclude var/cache/dev --exclude var/cache/test --exclude var/logs/dev.log --exclude var/logs/test.log ~/Dropbox/Projects/cloudgaming/ubiqmachine-webapp/ www-data@

sudo -u www-data php bin/console --env=prod cache:clear

sudo -u www-data php bin/console --env=prod doctrine:migrations:migrate

screen -d -m bash -c "sudo -u www-data watch -n5 'cd /opt/ubiqmachine-webapp/prod && /usr/bin/php bin/console -v --env=prod app:generatebillableitems >> /var/tmp/`date +%Y-%m-%d`.log 2>&1'"
screen -d -m bash -c "sudo -u www-data watch -n5 'cd /opt/ubiqmachine-webapp/prod && /usr/bin/php bin/console --env=prod app:cloudinstancemanagement $(cat /etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/prod/aws-api-key.txt) $(cat /etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/prod/aws-api-secret.txt) /etc/ubiqmachine-webapp/secrets/prod/aws-keypair-private-key.pem >> /var/tmp/`date +%Y-%m-%d`.log 2>&1'"

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