Hello! My name is Claudio and I'm a techy based in Ferrara
I'm currently a full-time consultant in a system engineering company, however I enjoy most working on developing web apps for clients using my favorite stacks. I also teach some courses from time to time.
My previous "blog" was an HTML file with a list of projects written in 5 minutes. The intention was to write an interesting portfolio and, at the same time, refine my skills with Laravel, CI/CD, and free serverless hosting solutions. Initially this was a static export made through the awesome laravel-export package, however I ended up retiring this setup for a Forge+Octane one.
This website is built using Laravel, Blade, Filament, SQLite, plain CSS & JS.
If you discover a security vulnerability within this software, please send an e-mail to Claudio Gandini via gandomullac@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
This blog is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.