Build monica on your old Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ using the arm32v6 images available (based on the official docker image description)
Generate your own APP_KEY by using the following command and replace the example one on the .yml file:
echo -n 'base64:'; openssl rand -base64 32
- data/
- mysql/
- For mysql regular user: create a db_user.secret file and place your password inside
- For mysql root user: create a db_root.secret file and place your password inside
- Create a .env.local file replacing all you need from the original .env file
docker compose up -d
After a few minutes (you could monitor the status by removing -d from the previous command or execute docker logs) you should be able to access to the instance with {raspberry-ip}:8080. You might need to open ports in order to connect to the application/database from another computer. I'd recommend to use ufw to do so.