diff --git a/cypress/e2e/game_leaderboards.cy.ts b/cypress/e2e/game_leaderboards.cy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73b50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/e2e/game_leaderboards.cy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+describe('game leaderboards page', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.clearAllLocalStorage()
+ })
+ it('no leaderboards', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-without-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'no-leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.get('.game-button').click()
+ cy.wait('@getLeaderboards').its('response.body')
+ .should('have.property', 'Results')
+ cy.url().should('include', '/game/769/leaderboards')
+ cy.contains('Kirby & The Amazing Mirror')
+ cy.contains('No leaderboards found for this game.')
+ })
+ it('leaderboards list with refresh', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-with-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.get('.game-button').click()
+ cy.wait('@getLeaderboards').its('response.body')
+ .should('have.property', 'Results')
+ .should('have.length', 10)
+ cy.url().should('include', '/game/16557/leaderboards')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).contains('New Zealand Two')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).contains('Thebpg13')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).contains('2:38.36')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards-refresh.json' }).as('getLeaderboardsRefresh')
+ cy.get('.refresh-button').click()
+ cy.wait('@getLeaderboardsRefresh').its('response.body')
+ .should('have.property', 'Results')
+ .should('have.length', 10)
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).contains('New Zealand Two')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).contains('zuliman92')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).contains('2:35.23')
+ })
+ it('go back to recently played games', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-with-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.visit('#/game/16557/leaderboards')
+ cy.get('.back-button').click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/games')
+ })
diff --git a/cypress/e2e/leaderboard_entries.cy.ts b/cypress/e2e/leaderboard_entries.cy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dc152d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/e2e/leaderboard_entries.cy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+describe('leaderboard entries page', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.clearAllLocalStorage()
+ })
+ it('no entries', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-with-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.interceptUsersIFollow()
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.get('.game-button').click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/game/16557/leaderboards')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetLeaderboardEntries.php*', { fixture: 'no-leaderboard-entries.json' }).as('getLeaderboardEntries')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/leaderboard/19063')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.contains('New Zealand Two')
+ cy.contains('No entries found for this leaderboard.')
+ })
+ it('entries with refresh and no entry from me or my friends', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-with-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.interceptUsersIFollow()
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.get('.game-button').click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/game/16557/leaderboards')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetLeaderboardEntries.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboard-entries.json' }).as('getLeaderboardEntries')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/leaderboard/19063')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.contains('New Zealand Two')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('Thebpg13')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('2:38.36')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetLeaderboardEntries.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboard-entries-refresh.json' }).as('getLeaderboardEntriesRefresh')
+ cy.get('.refresh-button').click()
+ cy.wait('@getLeaderboardEntriesRefresh').its('response.body')
+ .should('have.property', 'Results')
+ .should('have.length', 10)
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('josef733')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('2:34.45')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('Thebpg13')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('2:38.36')
+ })
+ it('entries with an entry only from me', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-with-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('matias721744', 'matias721744-secret')
+ cy.interceptUsersIFollow()
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.get('.game-button').click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/game/16557/leaderboards')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetLeaderboardEntries.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboard-entries.json' }).as('getLeaderboardEntries')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/leaderboard/19063')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.contains('New Zealand Two')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('matias721744')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('2:51.55')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('Thebpg13')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('2:38.36')
+ })
+ it('entries with entry only from a friend', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-with-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUsersIFollow.php*', { fixture: 'users-i-follow-with-matias.json' }).as('getUsersIFollow')
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.get('.game-button').click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/game/16557/leaderboards')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetLeaderboardEntries.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboard-entries.json' }).as('getLeaderboardEntries')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/leaderboard/19063')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.contains('New Zealand Two')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('matias721744')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('2:51.55')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('Thebpg13')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('2:38.36')
+ })
+ it('entries with a entry from me and a friend', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'game-list-with-leaderboard.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.authenticate('masakimu', 'masakimu-secret')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUsersIFollow.php*', { fixture: 'users-i-follow-with-matias.json' }).as('getUsersIFollow')
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetGameLeaderboards.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboards.json' }).as('getLeaderboards')
+ cy.get('.game-button').click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/game/16557/leaderboards')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetLeaderboardEntries.php*', { fixture: 'leaderboard-entries.json' }).as('getLeaderboardEntries')
+ cy.get('.leaderboard-list li').eq(1).click()
+ cy.url().should('include', '/leaderboard/19063')
+ cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
+ cy.contains('New Zealand Two')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('masakimu')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(0).contains('2:46.59')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('matias721744')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(1).contains('2:51.55')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(2).contains('Thebpg13')
+ cy.get('.entries-list li').eq(2).contains('2:38.36')
+ })
diff --git a/cypress/e2e/recently_played_games_page.cy.ts b/cypress/e2e/recently_played_games_page.cy.ts
index df6c6c1..40bbef2 100644
--- a/cypress/e2e/recently_played_games_page.cy.ts
+++ b/cypress/e2e/recently_played_games_page.cy.ts
@@ -4,17 +4,10 @@ describe('recently played games page', () => {
it('no games played', () => {
- cy.visit('/')
- cy.url().should('include', '/login')
- cy.contains('Authenticate')
- cy.get('input[id="username"]').type('player')
- cy.get('input[id="key"]').type('player-secret')
cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'no-played-games.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
- cy.contains('Submit').click()
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.visit('/')
.should('deep.equal', [])
@@ -24,17 +17,10 @@ describe('recently played games page', () => {
it('recently played games list with refresh', () => {
- cy.visit('/')
- cy.url().should('include', '/login')
- cy.contains('Authenticate')
- cy.get('input[id="username"]').type('example')
- cy.get('input[id="key"]').type('example-secret')
cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'recently-played-games-1.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
- cy.contains('Submit').click()
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.visit('/')
.should('have.length', 1)
@@ -42,11 +28,11 @@ describe('recently played games page', () => {
cy.url().should('include', '/games')
cy.contains('Colin McRae Rally')
- cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'recently-played-games-2.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'recently-played-games-2.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGamesTwo')
- cy.wait('@getRecentlyPlayedGames').its('response.body')
+ cy.wait('@getRecentlyPlayedGamesTwo').its('response.body')
.should('have.length', 2)
cy.get('.game-list li').eq(0).contains('Colin McRae Rally')
@@ -54,20 +40,10 @@ describe('recently played games page', () => {
it('logout', () => {
- cy.visit('/')
- cy.url().should('include', '/login')
- cy.contains('Authenticate')
- cy.get('input[id="username"]').type('player')
- cy.get('input[id="key"]').type('player-secret')
cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUserRecentlyPlayedGames.php*', { fixture: 'no-played-games.json' }).as('getRecentlyPlayedGames')
- cy.contains('Submit').click()
- cy.wait('@getRecentlyPlayedGames').its('response.body')
- .should('deep.equal', [])
+ cy.authenticate('player', 'player-secret')
+ cy.visit('/')
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/game-list-with-leaderboard.json b/cypress/fixtures/game-list-with-leaderboard.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f24c72f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/game-list-with-leaderboard.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ {
+ "GameID": 16557,
+ "ConsoleID": 12,
+ "ConsoleName": "PlayStation",
+ "Title": "Colin McRae Rally",
+ "ImageIcon": "/Images/036840.png",
+ "ImageTitle": "/Images/036689.png",
+ "ImageIngame": "/Images/036690.png",
+ "ImageBoxArt": "/Images/065054.png",
+ "LastPlayed": "2024-12-16 22:22:54",
+ "AchievementsTotal": 104,
+ "NumPossibleAchievements": 104,
+ "PossibleScore": 436,
+ "NumAchieved": 53,
+ "ScoreAchieved": 173,
+ "NumAchievedHardcore": 53,
+ "ScoreAchievedHardcore": 173
+ }
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/game-list-without-leaderboard.json b/cypress/fixtures/game-list-without-leaderboard.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef6a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/game-list-without-leaderboard.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ {
+ "GameID": 769,
+ "ConsoleID": 5,
+ "ConsoleName": "Game Boy Advance",
+ "Title": "Kirby & The Amazing Mirror",
+ "ImageIcon": "/Images/042405.png",
+ "ImageTitle": "/Images/033746.png",
+ "ImageIngame": "/Images/002643.png",
+ "ImageBoxArt": "/Images/014483.png",
+ "LastPlayed": "2024-11-24 21:31:43",
+ "AchievementsTotal": 55,
+ "NumPossibleAchievements": 55,
+ "PossibleScore": 311,
+ "NumAchieved": 21,
+ "ScoreAchieved": 31,
+ "NumAchievedHardcore": 21,
+ "ScoreAchievedHardcore": 31
+ }
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/leaderboard-entries-refresh.json b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboard-entries-refresh.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7cf4a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboard-entries-refresh.json
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "Count": 10,
+ "Total": 366,
+ "Results": [
+ {
+ "User": "josef733",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-05-28T21:45:32+00:00",
+ "Score": 15445,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:34.45",
+ "Rank": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-10-08T21:22:07+00:00",
+ "Score": 15836,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:38.36",
+ "Rank": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "masakimu",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2023-10-28T17:20:02+00:00",
+ "Score": 16659,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:46.59",
+ "Rank": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "JollyClubber",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-11-22T11:44:03+00:00",
+ "Score": 16682,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:46.82",
+ "Rank": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "Ryszard",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2023-10-01T17:12:55+00:00",
+ "Score": 16965,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:49.65",
+ "Rank": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "matias721744",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-09-27T21:08:48+00:00",
+ "Score": 17155,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:51.55",
+ "Rank": 6
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "ReAPer13AW",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-10-22T21:50:54+00:00",
+ "Score": 17339,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:53.39",
+ "Rank": 7
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "KboxGames",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-10-03T14:25:26+00:00",
+ "Score": 17342,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:53.42",
+ "Rank": 8
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "Pluxer",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2023-08-09T15:29:40+00:00",
+ "Score": 17509,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:55.09",
+ "Rank": 9
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "suXin",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2021-11-06T14:53:10+00:00",
+ "Score": 17559,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:55.59",
+ "Rank": 10
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/leaderboard-entries.json b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboard-entries.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b3d783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboard-entries.json
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "Count": 10,
+ "Total": 366,
+ "Results": [
+ {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-10-08T21:22:07+00:00",
+ "Score": 15836,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:38.36",
+ "Rank": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "josef733",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-05-28T21:45:32+00:00",
+ "Score": 16445,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:44.45",
+ "Rank": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "masakimu",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2023-10-28T17:20:02+00:00",
+ "Score": 16659,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:46.59",
+ "Rank": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "JollyClubber",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-11-22T11:44:03+00:00",
+ "Score": 16682,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:46.82",
+ "Rank": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "Ryszard",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2023-10-01T17:12:55+00:00",
+ "Score": 16965,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:49.65",
+ "Rank": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "matias721744",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-09-27T21:08:48+00:00",
+ "Score": 17155,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:51.55",
+ "Rank": 6
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "ReAPer13AW",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-10-22T21:50:54+00:00",
+ "Score": 17339,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:53.39",
+ "Rank": 7
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "KboxGames",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2024-10-03T14:25:26+00:00",
+ "Score": 17342,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:53.42",
+ "Rank": 8
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "Pluxer",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2023-08-09T15:29:40+00:00",
+ "Score": 17509,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:55.09",
+ "Rank": 9
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "suXin",
+ "DateSubmitted": "2021-11-06T14:53:10+00:00",
+ "Score": 17559,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:55.59",
+ "Rank": 10
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/leaderboards-refresh.json b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboards-refresh.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f28a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboards-refresh.json
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ "Count": 10,
+ "Total": 64,
+ "Results": [
+ {
+ "ID": 19062,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand One",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S1 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 11903,
+ "FormattedScore": "1:59.03"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19063,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Two",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S2 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "zuliman92",
+ "Score": 15836,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:35.23"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19064,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Three",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S3 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 17619,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:56.19"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19065,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Four",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S4 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 14173,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:21.73"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19066,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Five",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S5 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 13963,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:19.63"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19067,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Six",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S6 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "JollyClubber",
+ "Score": 15422,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:34.22"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19068,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece One",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S1 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 15252,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:32.52"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19069,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece Two",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S2 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "josef733",
+ "Score": 13953,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:19.53"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19070,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece Three",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S3 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "josef733",
+ "Score": 12140,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:01.40"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19071,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece Four",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S4 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 15219,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:32.19"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/leaderboards.json b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboards.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbbbcf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/leaderboards.json
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ "Count": 10,
+ "Total": 64,
+ "Results": [
+ {
+ "ID": 19062,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand One",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S1 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 11903,
+ "FormattedScore": "1:59.03"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19063,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Two",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S2 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 15836,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:38.36"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19064,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Three",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S3 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 17619,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:56.19"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19065,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Four",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S4 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 14173,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:21.73"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19066,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Five",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S5 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 13963,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:19.63"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19067,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "New Zealand Six",
+ "Description": "Complete New Zealand S6 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "JollyClubber",
+ "Score": 15422,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:34.22"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19068,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece One",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S1 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 15252,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:32.52"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19069,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece Two",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S2 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "josef733",
+ "Score": 13953,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:19.53"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19070,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece Three",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S3 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "josef733",
+ "Score": 12140,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:01.40"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19071,
+ "RankAsc": true,
+ "Title": "Greece Four",
+ "Description": "Complete Greece S4 in least time",
+ "Format": "MILLISECS",
+ "TopEntry": {
+ "User": "Thebpg13",
+ "Score": 15219,
+ "FormattedScore": "2:32.19"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/no-leaderboard-entries.json b/cypress/fixtures/no-leaderboard-entries.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a61ac39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/no-leaderboard-entries.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Count": 0,
+ "Total": 0,
+ "Results": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/no-leaderboards.json b/cypress/fixtures/no-leaderboards.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a61ac39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/no-leaderboards.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "Count": 0,
+ "Total": 0,
+ "Results": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/users-i-follow-with-matias.json b/cypress/fixtures/users-i-follow-with-matias.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..687f531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/users-i-follow-with-matias.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "Count": 2,
+ "Total": 2,
+ "Results": [
+ {
+ "User": "matias721744",
+ "Points": 7081,
+ "PointsSoftcore": 0,
+ "IsFollowingMe": true
+ },
+ {
+ "User": "zuliman92",
+ "Points": 2442,
+ "PointsSoftcore": 258,
+ "IsFollowingMe": true
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/users-i-follow.json b/cypress/fixtures/users-i-follow.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cac5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/users-i-follow.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Count": 1,
+ "Total": 1,
+ "Results": [
+ {
+ "User": "zuliman92",
+ "Points": 2442,
+ "PointsSoftcore": 258,
+ "IsFollowingMe": true
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/support/commands.ts b/cypress/support/commands.ts
index 698b01a..0dc4d44 100644
--- a/cypress/support/commands.ts
+++ b/cypress/support/commands.ts
@@ -1,37 +1,21 @@
-// ***********************************************
-// This example commands.ts shows you how to
-// create various custom commands and overwrite
-// existing commands.
-// For more comprehensive examples of custom
-// commands please read more here:
-// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands
-// ***********************************************
-// -- This is a parent command --
-// Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => { ... })
-// -- This is a child command --
-// Cypress.Commands.add('drag', { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
-// -- This is a dual command --
-// Cypress.Commands.add('dismiss', { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
-// -- This will overwrite an existing command --
-// Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
-// declare global {
-// namespace Cypress {
-// interface Chainable {
-// login(email: string, password: string): Chainable
-// drag(subject: string, options?: Partial): Chainable
-// dismiss(subject: string, options?: Partial): Chainable
-// visit(originalFn: CommandOriginalFn, url: string, options: Partial): Chainable
-// }
-// }
-// }
\ No newline at end of file
+import {} from 'cypress'
+Cypress.Commands.add('authenticate', (username: string, webApiKey: string) => {
+ cy.visit('/login')
+ cy.get('input[id="username"]').type(username)
+ cy.get('input[id="key"]').type(webApiKey)
+ cy.contains('Submit').click()
+ })
+Cypress.Commands.add('interceptUsersIFollow', () => {
+ cy.intercept('GET', '**/API/API_GetUsersIFollow.php*', { fixture: 'users-i-follow.json' }).as('getUsersIFollow')
+declare global {
+ namespace Cypress {
+ interface Chainable {
+ authenticate(username: string, webApiKey: string): Chainable
+ interceptUsersIFollow(): Chainable
+ }
+ }