- I used IntelliJ to create this project
- I used Maven to compile it
- Then once my .jar file created, I pushed it with the 'scp' command onto the remote server gdamien@ns3024382
- Finally I used the 'yarn jar' command to execute the jar on the prenoms.csv file located on HDFS
- For each MR, can we use the combiner ? Why ?
For the first two MR applications, it is ok to use a combiner since the sum is commutative and associative. It creates no issues between the map and reduce phases. However, when it comes to the third application (average of M and F), using a combiner could result in a different result since the mean is not commutative and associative. For this task, I decided not to use the combiner.
In order to have my tables to work on, I first created a DATABASE called test using the following command in Hive:
CREATE DATABASE test LOCATION ‘/user/gdamien/test’;
Then I created a folder containing the prelims.csv file so that I could use it afterward once my tables created:
hdfs dfs -mkdir prenoms
hdfs dfs -cp /res/prenoms.csv prenoms/0000
Now I could create my two tables in Hive:
CREATE TABLE prenoms3(
prenoms STRING,
gender array<string>,
origin array<string>,
version DOUBLE)
collection items terminated by ','
STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/user/gdamien/prenoms';
CREATE TABLE prenoms_opt3(
prenoms STRING,
gender array<string>,
origin array<string>,
version DOUBLE)
Finally I loaded the data in prenoms3 and prenoms_opt3 using the following commands in Hive:
LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/gdamien/prenoms' INTO TABLE prenoms3;
INSERT INTO TABLE prenoms_opt3 SELECT * FROM prenoms3;
Then I could play with Hive ! (see the query file)