This is a sample Recipes application which uses MongoDB, Express, React JS with Material UI and NodeJS. With this application users can do the following features
- User Registration,
- User Login,
- All Recipes(Home page),
- Create Recipe,
- Favorite Recipe,
- Search Recipes
- Logout
Clone the repository and install the dependencies with 'yarn install' | 'npm install'
Create .env file in project root directory and set the following variables
- SERVER_PORT = 3040
Run the server with node server/index.js or run the script: server:start in package.json The server is reachable at port 3040 in localhost. If you used start:dev, you should use localhost:8080 for hot rerload.
Run the client with package script in client folder: start:dev in package.json
Build client with the package script "build" in package.json file
- With NextJS Vercel Url - [(]
- [(]
To login you can user the following credentials:
username: gayathri, password: gayathri123