CATI is a platform assisting end users in the construction of an annotated corpus. It combines event-detection with Active Learning. This platform is supported by LABEX IMU under the project IDENUM: Identit�s num�riques urbaines.
For more information about the installation and use of CATI, please access the wiki of the project.
CATI: An Active Learning System For Event Detection On Mibroblogs Large Datasets. Gabriela Bosetti, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Lucas Okumura-Ono. Webist 2019, Vienne, Autriche. (to appear)
Assisted Classification Through Image- and Text-Based Event. Gabriela Bosetti, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Lucas Okumura-Ono. BDA 2019, Lyon (to appear)