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Test Case List

Manuel edited this page Nov 5, 2023 · 28 revisions

Test Case List

✅ = Automated Test Case implemented

Functional Testing:

Authentication Section:

1. Login User:

  • ✅ Verify user can login with hardcoded testuser credentials
  • ✅ Verify user stays logged in after page reload
  • ✅ Verify cannot login with invalid credentials
  • ✅ Verify input error labels and validation error messages are displayed

(tests code)

2. Register User:

  • ✅ Verify a new user can be registered when entering valid data and user is logged in
  • ✅ Verify a registered user stays logged in after page reload
  • ✅ Verify a new user cannot be registered when entering already existing credentials

(tests code)

Cookie Modal Section:

1. Cookie Modal:

  • ✅ Verify cookie modal is closed when clicking 'Accept Necessary' and not displayed again after page reload
  • ✅ Verify cookie modal is closed when clicking 'Accept All' and not display again after page reload
  • ✅ Verify cookie modal is closed when clicking on the X button and display it after page reload

Top Navigation Section:

1. Top Navigation:

  • ✅ Verify all elements are present in the navbar and clicking on them navigates to the correct pages

Posts Section:

1. Add Post:

  • ✅ Verify posts, post elements and texts are displayed
  • ✅ Verify a post is created when submitting post form

2. Delete Post:

  • ✅ Verify a post is removed when clicking on the post's close button

Events Section:

1. Add Event:

  • ✅ Verify an event is created when submitting valid data
  • ✅ Verify error labels are displayed when leaving required inputs empty or on validation errors

2. Delete Event:

  • ✅ Verify an event is deleted when clicking on the event's delete button

3. Filter Event:

  • ✅ Verify events are filtered by 'Going', 'Interested' and 'Not Going' when using the event filter

API Testing:

Authentication Section:

Login User:

  • ✅ Verify a user is logged in with valid data
  • ✅ Verify a user is not logged in with invalid data

Register User:

  • ✅ Verify a user is registered with valid data
  • ✅ Verify a user is not registered with existing data

Read User:

  • ✅ Verify all existing users can be retrieved
  • ✅ Verify a specific user can be retrieved

Update User:

  • ✅ Verify a specific user's data can be updated

Delete User:

  • ✅ Verify a specific user's data can be deleted

Post Section:

Create Post:

  • ✅ Verify a post is created with valid data

Read Post:

  • ✅ Verify all existing posts can be retrieved
  • ✅ Verify a specific post can be retrieved

Update Post:

  • ✅ Verify a specific post's data can be updated

Delete Post:

  • ✅ Verify a specific post's data can be deleted

Event Section:

Create Event:

  • ✅ Verify a event is created with valid data

Read Event:

  • ✅ Verify all existing events can be retrieved
  • ✅ Verify a specific event can be retrieved

Update Event:

  • ✅ Verify a specific event's data can be updated

Delete Event:

  • ✅ Verify a specific event's data can be deleted

Friend Section:

Create Friend:

  • ✅ Verify a friend request is created correctly
  • ✅ Verify a friend request is accepted correctly
  • ✅Verify a friend request is rejected correctly

Read Friend:

  • ✅ Verify all user's friends can be retrieved
  • ✅ Verify a specific user's friend request received can be retrieved
  • ✅ Verify a specific user's friend request sent can be retrieved

Delete Event:

  • ✅ Verify a specific friend request can be deleted