This is a collection of projects I made through the 100 Days of Code: Python course from Angela Yu. Almost 100 projects are housed here that cover a variety of topics such as console-based scripting, games and other GUI applications, data science analysis, automation, API connectivity and web application development. I had a lot of fun solidifying my Python skills with all of these projects, and learned so much by diving into this 100 day coding challenge. Take a look and explore my showcase site to interact with live demos of my work and more details about each project!
Scripting, Web Development, GUI, Games, APIs, Automation, Design, Web Scraping, Data Science, & Debugging
- Canva
- Python
- VS Code
- Bootstrap
- bs4
- colorgram
- csv
- datetime
- decouple
- difflib
- Django
- Flask
- flask-ckeditor
- flask-gravatar
- flask-login
- flask-sqlalchemy
- flask-wtf
- fractions
- functools
- gzip
- math
- matplotlib
- numpy
- os
- pandas
- pathlib
- plotly
- pyautogui
- PyPDF2
- random
- requests
- scipy
- seaborn
- selenium
- sklearn
- smtplib
- spotipy
- sqlite3
- time
- time
- tkinter
- turtle
- twilio
- webcolors
- wtforms
- API connectivity
- Authentication
- Bootstrap framework
- Databases
- Debugging code
- Decorators
- Dictionaries
- Dictionary comprehension
- Django web development framework
- Environment variables
- f strings
- File handling
- Flask web development framework
- Float casting
- For loops
- Front-end web design
- If statements
- Integer casting
- List comprehension
- Lists
- Methods
- Pandas dataframes
- Print statements
- REST architecture
- Selenium web driver
- smtp email auth
- Spotify & Python connection
- tkinter class UI
- try/except
- Tuples
- Turtle class UI
- Twilio text messaging library
- User input
- UX design
- While loops
- Website - Garrett Becker
- Replit - @gdbecker
- LinkedIn - Garrett Becker