This project contains low-level (mostly complete, auto-generated) and high-level (incomplete, manually written) bindings to the isl library.
The end goal is to make it easy to manipulate polyhedral sets and relations in Haskell. Envisioned applications include static analysis, automatic parallelization, cache optimization, tuning of implementations, hardware generation and the like. The high-level interface currently allows defining basic sets like this:
someSet :: forall s. HasCtx s => BasicSet s 2
someSet = BS.mkBasicSet $
\(x :- y :- Nil) ->
idx x >=: cst 0 &&: idx x <=: cst 100 &&:
idx y >=: idx x &&: idx y <=: cst 100
which is an order of magnitude shorter than the corresponding C code! Also, we try very hard to make the API as safe as possible. For example:
- The
type is indexed by a type variables
corresponding to theisl
context, as well as by its number of dimensions. BS.mkBasicSet
uses the same rank-2 type trick as the ST monad to guarantee that indices cannot exit their scope.
DISCLAIMER: This software is unsupported and of experimental quality only. It may or may not work for your use-case.
That being said, please try it out, break it and file bugs !
This software is built and packaged with the Nix package
manager. The recommended way to use this library is to consume it as a Nix
overlay. For example, put this in <some-directory>/default.nix
with rec {
nixpkgs-rev = "67bc63f9a7ac1b4d1a7114c88ca1a4df03bfdb0e";
pkgs = builtins.fetchTarball {
name = "nixos-19.03";
url = "${nixpkgs-rev}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0jzy9kd81dz1v0by3h0znz3z6bmpll3ssza5i5f14j2q54ib145g";
isl-bindings-rev = "f462de33568a6fe0edc1b6d08da453a4c23cda2b";
isl-bindings = builtins.fetchGit {
name = "isl-bindings";
url = "";
rev = isl-bindings-rev;
import pkgs {
overlays = [ (import isl-bindings) ];
and this in <some-directory/shell.nix>
with import ./.;
mkShell {
name = "isl-dev-env";
buildInputs = [
(haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages(ps: with ps; [isl-bindings isl-bindings-hl]))
Typing nix-shell
within that directory will drop you in a shell environment
with Cabal, ghc and isl-bindings available ! We can check that everything is fine with:
$ ghci -package isl-bindings-hl
If ghci
loads successfully, you are good to go !