I created and wrote the codes in this repo for the following research study:
Causal evidence of coherent theta rhythms in the modulation of multiregional brain communication
Gino Del Ferraro, Shaoyu Qiao, J. Isaac Sedillo, Bijan Pesaran
Brief Summary:
Understanding the mechanisms behind neuromodulation is crucial to shed light on multi-regional
brain communication and to manipulate brain activity through BMIs. In this work we first establish a sender-receiver causal network in the non-human primate brain by simultaneously stimulation and recording of multiple electrodes covering several brain areas. Additionally, we identify a class of recorded sites which modulate the sender-receiver communication by acting as a gate.
By studying the resting state dynamics of the sender, receiver, and modulator sites, we then investigate the modulation mechanism behind the sender-receiver communication thoughout spectral analysis of power spectral densities and coherences and establish whether the modulation mechanism is region- or site-specific.
The codes for the different types of analysis can be found respectively here:
- Resting State analysis
- Stimulation experiment analysis