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Take your JavaScript skills to the next level with this class, which will build on skills learned in JavaScript 101 and take those skills to new and deeper levels.
Cost: $90
Dates: April 23 and April 30, 2016
Location: Opodz in Little Tokyo
A limited number of scholarships are available for those with a financial hardship. To apply, contact us at...
List any prerequisites for this class, including any previous classes or the equivalent self-study or real-world skills.
You should have:
(a) taken HTML/CSS 101: Introduction to HTML and CSS with Girl Develop It or have equivalent knowledge,
(b) taken JavaScript 101: Introduction to JavaScript through Girl Develop It, or be familiar with JavaScript syntax, variables, arrays, conditionals, for and while loops, objects, event handling and DOM manipulation.
- Your laptop (Mac, PC, or Linux are all okay).
- A modern web browser - we recommend Google Chrome
- A text editor. We recommend Sublime Text
- Variables, including scope, local variables, global variables, and the this keyword. This is a review and a deeper dive into variables than we covered in 101
- Arrays, including join, map, and filter functions. Again, this is a review and then a deeper dive than covered in 101
- Functions, including function declarations, function expressions, hoisting, IIFEs, arguments, this, closures and the bind, apply, and call methods. A review of what we know already, then a deeper look at functions.
- Objects, including different ways to create objects, the built-in objects and the global object. A review of what we learned in 101, then a deeper look at objects.
- Object-oriented JavaScript, including prototypes and inheritance
- Advanced DOM Manipulation, including event delegation
- Ajax and JSON - including how to make asynchronous calls, parse JSON responses, and update the UI