This project is an example for autogeneration of classes for upgrade from xsd definition.
This project is also an example of how to use jaxb-ri to autoupgrade a system using xsd and xml. This project is also an example how to use the jdk compiler.
This project need jdk 1.8 for compile and runtime.
To run the unitests from eclipse the maven update is need and then the jar from xsdautoupgrade-autogenerate/lib and the xsdautoupgrade-autogenerate-1.0.0-SNAPSHOOT.jar should be put into the classpath.
The name of the schema should be schema.xsd if the schema is generated using streams.
The version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT has only unitests:
The dependencies Jsersey and jetty are here only for future dev.
Jaxb-ri is use to generate the classes from xsd definition.