256 1D Wolfram Cellular Automata Rules FANN Neural Networks PRE-TRAINED & TRAINING FILES
256 training sets (.data files) to review, modify and train neural networks to perform all 256 (0 – 255) rules conveniently organized into separate files and named after the rule that it trains the network on.
256 PRE-TRAINED neural networks (.net files) capable of performing the computation as outlined in my Elementary Cellular Automata series except via neural networks.
- generate_rule_set.php: This program will recreate the entire set of 256 .data training files.
- train_all.php: This program will train all 256 FANN .net neural networks.
- train_specific.php: This program lets you enter the rule numbers into an array prior to running to train the specific rules as FANN .net file neural networks.
- ann_output_all_rule_set_images.php: This program will render all the rules as images using the neural networks.
- ann_output_specific_rule_images.php: This program will render the specified rules as images using the specified neural networks.
AND The entire set of rules (0 – 255) per-rendered as 1025x1025px PNG images.
You will need PHP and FANN installed for this to work. I have a public tutorial on how to setup your test environment for free here: