AdvancedAPKLeaks to scan Android APKs and search for secrets.
There are some basic requirements for successful deployment of the service:
- Set up a Linux or Windows host with docker and docker-compose installed
- Create necessary enviornment variable files, see this section for details.
- If necessary, modify config files in
- If necessary, modify config files in
- Build the docker image with
docker-compose build
- Create the external network with
docker network apk-scanner-net
- Initialize the application with
docker-compose run --rm apkscanner-cli init
. The mountpoint is created and the APK files, that should be scanned, can now be copied to the specified APK file folder. - Start the application with
docker-compose up -d
. The stored APKs are now scanned. - (If you want to start the application manually use
docker-compose run --rm apkscanner-cli start-scan
Some sensitive config values, such as passwords, have to be set using environment variables. Docker containers in production mode use one files for that:
REPO_PASSWORD=<Repository password for is repo>
FIRMWAREDROID_DB_STRING=<connection string to firmwaredroid db>
FIRMWAREDROID_COOKIE=<cookie for the firmwaredroid api>
The configuration of the application is managed by the config.cfg
file. The file contains the following setting options
db_name = <DB name for the scan results>
db_extracted_secrets = <DB name for the extracted secrets>
db_data_analysis = <DB name for the data_analysis db>
collection_advanced_apkleaks = <Collection name for the scan results>
host = <Name of mongodb instance>
port = <Port of mongodb instance>
restriction_mode = <Regularization mode, there are four levels: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH>
mountpoint = <Mountpoint for the application. DEFAULT: /apks>
apk_folder = <Folder where the apks are stored (must be in the mountpoint). DEFAULT: /apk_files>
results_folder = <Folder where the results are stored (must be in the mountpoint). DEFAULT: /results>
source_folder = <Folder where the decompiled sources are stored (must be in the mountpoint). DEFAULT: /sources>
plot_folder = <Folder where the generated graphs are stored (must be in the mountpoint). DEFAULT: /plots>
verbose = <Determines whether the decompiled source files should be kept or deleted>
wipe_resources = <Deletes already existing source files and decompiles the APK again>
include_firmware_droid_data = <Determines if the FirmwareDroid dataset should be scanned and compared (requires DB connection string and a cookie for the API)>
api_url = <Base url to the FirmwareDroid API>
db_extracted_secrets = <DB for the extracted data from the FirmwareDroid DB>