This is a program made for my friends, classmates, or really anyone, as well as myself.
My English teacher every once in a while publishes tests whicih require his students to memorize 30 different vocabulary words. This website will help with that memorization.
What the website does: It contains a button that when pressed, will output the current vocabulary words (must be manually updated) in a random order. This text can be copied and pasted into a text editor such as Google Docs, Notepad, Notepad++, etc.
View my website:
This is one of my first ever posts on github (previous posts were deleted as they were low value "Hello World!" programs and such) I'm glad to be able to see what a career in Web Development is like, and I'm so glad that I am able to learn this way. Please see what is in toDoList.txt before posting an issue! Many thanks!