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Random Forest

Description: The following is a GenePattern module that performs random forest classification, an ensemble machine learning algorithm which utilizes the outputs from a collection of decision trees (hence, "forest") to answer a classification problem. In essence, after providing several samples, each with a corresponding class and set of feature values, the algorithm tells you what class a new sample "X" likely belongs to. The module runs either cross-validation (takes one dataset as input, done through LOOCV, leave-one-out cross validation) or test-train prediction (takes two datasets, test and train). Each dataset consists of two file inputs, one for feature data (.gct), and one for target data (.cls). The module also supports importing and exporting trained models. Created for GenePattern module usage through optional arguments for classifier parameters.

Author: Omar Halawa, GenePattern Team @ Mesirov Lab - UCSD

Contact: Email


The module processes files and performs random forest classification (uses LOOCV (leave-one-out cross validation) in the case of one dataset rather than test-train prediction used for two datasets) on them, generating a prediction results file (.pred.odf) that compares the "true" class to the model's prediction, and a feature importance file in the case of test-train prediction. It also includes options for importing and exporting trained model files as well as various parameters for the algorithm itself. Created for GenePattern module usage through optional arguments for classifier parameters.

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For cross-validation, the module only requires one feature data file (.gct) and one target data file (.cls). For test-train prediction, the module requires a testing dataset in the form of a testing feature (.gct) and testing target (.cls) data file and either one of: a fitted model pickle file or a training dataset (with a training feature (.gct) and training target (.cls) data file). Other parameters for classifier specifications are optional, maintaining default values if left unchanged (see below).

Modes of Usage

Parameter Name Cross-Validation Test-Train Prediction (without model input) Test-Train Prediction (with model input)
train data file
train class file
model input file
test data file
test class file


Name Description Default Value
train data file Training feature data file to be read from user (.gct) (can be substituted by model input in test-train prediction case) No default value
train class file Training target data file to be read from user (.cls) (can be substituted by model input in test-train prediction case) No default value
model input file model file input (.pkl, similar to model.output file) to serve as a substitute for the training dataset, and if both are provided, is used. No default value
test data file Testing feature data file to be read from user (.gct) (only provide when doing test-train prediction) No default value
test class file Testing target data file to be read from user (.cls) (only provide when doing test-train prediction) No default value
model output Optional boolean to export model trained on the dataset input in "Training Data" as a compressed pickle file (.pkl). Note: This model will always be fitted using all samples of regardless of if LOOCV is carried out for prediction. In the case of only a model being provided, there will be no model output False
model output filename Optional string to name the model output file if model.output is True <>.pkl
prediction results filename Optional prediction results filename (.pred.odf, follows GP ODF format) results.pred.odf
feature importance filename Optional feature importance results filename - only outputted for test-train prediction (.feat.odf, follows GP ODF format) model.feat.odf
bootstrap Optional boolean to turn on classifier bootstrapping True
ccp alpha Optional float for complexity parameter of min cost-complexity pruning (>= 0.0) 0.0
class weight Optional string for class weight specification of either of: {"balanced," "balanced_subsample"}, also takes None ; (future implementation: to handle input of dictionary/list of); Note: "balanced" or "balanced_subsample" are not recommended for warm start if the fitted data differs from the full dataset None
criterion Optional string for node-splitting criterion of one of the following: {“gini”, “entropy”, “log_loss”} "gini"
max depth Optional int for maximum tree depth (>= 1), also takes None None
max features Optional string for number of features to consider for best split: {"sqrt," "log2", "None" (will use all features} ("auto" is removed in Scikit 1.3 and later versions), (future implementation: handle input of float/int) "sqrt"
max leaf nodes Optional int for maximum leaf nodes per tree (>= 2), also takes None None
max samples Optional float for ratio of datasets to use per tree (between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive for both), also takes None; if bootstrap is False, can only be None None
min impurity decrease Optional float for minimum impurity decrease needed per node split (>= 0.0) 0.0
min samples leaf Optional int for minimum number of samples required at leaf node (>= 1) 1
min samples split Optional int for minimum sample number to split node (>= 2) 2
min weight fraction leaf Optional float for min weighted fraction of weight sum total to be leaf (between 0.0 and 0.5, inclusive for both) 0.0
n estimators Optional int for number of trees in forest (>= 1) 100
random state Optional int for seed of random number generator (nonnegative, caps at 4294967295, 232 - 1), also takes None. Note: Setting this to a specific integer, like 0 for example, for a specific dataset, will always yield the same prediction results file as this argument controls how bagging and random feature selection for a specific dataset occur. None
debug Optional boolean for program debugging False
verbose Optional int (0 = no verbose, 1 = base verbosity) to increase classifier verbosity (non-negative), more info (for other input values) 0

Input Files (see table above for which to input for a specific mode)

  1. Train Data File
    This is the input file of classifier training feature data which is used to create the random forest model (for the case of test-train prediction, the training dataset can be substituted by a model pickle file input). For cross-validation, this is the only feature data input which also has prediction done against it via LOOCV. The parameter expects a GCT file (.gct) that follows the GenePattern GCT file standard.

  2. Train Class File
    This is the input file of classifier training target data which is used to create the random forest model (for the case of test-train prediction, the training dataset can be substituted by a model pickle file input). For cross-validation, this is the only target data input whose values are considered as "true." The parameter expects a CLS file (.cls) that follows the GenePattern CLS file standard.

  3. Model Input File
    This is the input file of a fitted Scikit RandomForestClassifier model as a compressed pickel (.pkl) file. It can serve as a substitute for the training dataset in the case of test-train prediction, and if both are provided, the model input file takes precedence and is used.

  4. Test Data File
    This is the input file of classifier testing feature data which the random forest model will predict the class values of (only passed in for test-train prediction). The parameter expects a GCT file (.gct) that follows the GenePattern GCT file standard.

  5. Test Class File This is the input file of classifier testing target data whose values are considered as "true" (only passed in for test-train prediction). The parameter expects a CLS file (.cls) that follows the GenePattern CLS file standard.

Output Files

Outputs prediction results (.pred.odf) and feature importance files (.feat.odf) that follows the GenePattern ODF (Output Description Format) file standard. They contain a specific set of descriptive headers followed by a main data block comparing the random forest classification's predictions on the entire feature dataset against the true values with confidence scores (using Scikit RandomForestClassifier _predict_proba) for the pred.odf file (for a binary classification problem, this score may be something like 0.6 for the predicted class where the other class has a confidence of 0.4) and a main data block of all the features and their importance scores (sum of all is 1) in the case of the feat.odf file.

Test-Train Example Data

ALL_AML Dataset Inputs (Without Model Input): all_aml_train.gct, all_aml_train.cls, all_aml_test.gct, and all_aml_test.cls ALL_AML Example Outputs: all_aml_tt_dataset.pred.odf, all_aml_tt_dataset.feat.odf, and all_aml_train.pkl

ALL_AML Dataset Inputs (With Model Input): all_aml_train.pkl, all_aml_test.gct, and all_aml_test.cls
ALL_AML Example Outputs: all_aml_tt_model.pred.odf, all_aml_tt_with_model.feat.odf (only if model.output is True and the training dataset is provided, which it is not in this case, will there be an output pickle file of training data)

Cross-Validation Example Data

ALL_AML Dataset Inputs: all_aml_train.gct and all_aml_train.cls ALL_AML Example Outputs: all_aml_xval.pred.odf and all_aml_train.pkl

BRCA_HUGO Dataset Inputs: DP_4_BRCA_HUGO_symbols.preprocessed.gct and Pred_2_BRCA_HUGO_symbols.preprocessed.cls
BRCA_HUGO Example Outputs: BRCA_xval.pred.odf and BRCA.pkl

Iris Dataset Inputs: iris.gct and iris.cls
Iris Example Outputs: iris_xval.pred.odf and iris.pkl


Requires the genepattern/randomforest:v0.5 docker image.


RandomForest is distributed under a modified BSD license available here

Version Comments

Version Release Date Description
1.0 Jan 2, 2023 Initial version for public use.
2.0 Oct 25th, 2023 Second release with confidence scores, feature importance output, and model input and output implementation.
4.0 Jan 10th, 2024 Output file format updates