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This module has been deprecated together with Google Cloud Messaging, and it will not be maintained. If you want to add Firebase Cloud Messaging to your project, you should consider using TiFirebase

Android Titanium module to work easily with Google Cloud Messaging push notification service... and it's Parse and Parse Server compatible!

Version compatibility

v3.* is for Titanium SDK 6.X - branch: release/titanium-6.x

v4.* is for Titanium SDK 7.X - branch: master

v5.* is for Titanium SDK 8.3.X - branch: master

Install the module

Unzip the latest release in your module directory and add to tiapp modules, or just type:

gittio install ti.goosh

Set the sender ID

In your tiapp.xml, insert

<property name="gcm.senderid">YOUR_SENDER_ID</property>

To get GCM sender ID:

  • Open the Google Developers Console.
  • If you haven't created an API project yet, click Create Project.
  • Find your API project and click Project Name.
  • You can find Project Number. You will use it as the GCM sender ID.

Set the channel name (basic support for Android Oreo)

In your tiapp.xml, insert

<property name="ti.goosh.defaultChannel">YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME</property>


If your app crashes on launch, try adding these in your tiapp.xml.

<property name="" type="bool">true</property>
<property name="" type="bool">true</property>
<property name="" type="int">500</property>
<property name="" type="int">0</property>
<property name="" type="bool">true</property>
<property name="">Initializing</property>
<property name="">Restart Required</property>
<property name="">Continue</property>

Set the Google Play Services SDK version

In your tiapp.xml, in the node android > manifest > application, insert:

<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

If you have an error at compile time, please first read this article to clarify your idea about this bug:

Once done, visit the gps-jars directory in this repository.

Register for Push notifications

We kept the same syntax of Ti.Network for iOS notifications, hope you like this choice :)

The behaviour is the same of iOS:

  • if the app is in background, the standard OS view for incoming notifications is shown. If you click on that banner, the callback is invoked with the notification payload + the property inBackground = true.
  • if the app is in foreground, nothing is shown and you have to handle manually in the app (you can anyway override this behaviour).
var TiGoosh = require('ti.goosh');

	// The callback to invoke when a notification arrives.
	callback: function(e) {

		var data = JSON.parse( || '');


	// The callback invoked when you have the device token.
	success: function(e) {

		// Send the e.deviceToken variable to your PUSH server
		Ti.API.log('Notifications: device token is ' + e.deviceToken);


	// The callback invoked on some errors.
	error: function(err) {
		Ti.API.error('Notifications: Retrieve device token failed', err);



Subscribe/unsubscribe to topics

// subscribe

	topic: "/topics/myTopic",
	success: function(e) {
		console.log("unsub done " + e);
	error: function(e){

// unsubscribe

	topic: "/topics/myTopic",
	success: function(e) {
		console.log("unsub done " + e);
	error: function(e){

Are notifications enabled

It will return false if users have disabled notifications from the settings for the app, work from to API 19 (Android 4.4). Not work for android before API 19 (Android 4.4), return true.


Usage with Trimethyl

Trimethyl uses this module for its Notifications library., so you can just type:


to activate the notifications for both iOS / Android.


Property Type Description
remoteNotificationsEnabled Boolean Check if the notifications are registered with registerForPushNotifications.
remoteDeviceUUID String Get the device token previously obtained.

Set the badge

Due system limitations, currently the badge over the icon is supported only on Samsung and Sony devices. This is why there's no an "Android official method" to draw that badge, but only via private API.


Cancel received notification

Cancel all notifications


Cancel notification By id

TiGoosh.cancel(int id);

Cancel notification with tag and id

TiGoosh.cancelWithTag(String tag, int id);

Set the icon for the tray

The module sets the notification tray icon taking it from /platform/android/res/drawable-*/notificationicon.png.

It should be flat (no gradients), white and face-on perspective.

NB: You have to generate the icon with all resolutions.

22 × 22 area in 24 × 24 (mdpi)
33 × 33 area in 36 × 36 (hdpi)
44 × 44 area in 48 × 48 (xhdpi)
66 × 66 area in 72 × 72 (xxhdpi)
88 × 88 area in 96 × 96 (xxxhdpi)

You can use this script to generate it once you put the icon in drawable-xxxhdpi/notificationicon.png.


if [ -f "$ICON_SOURCE" ]; then
	mkdir -p "app/platform/android/res/drawable-xxhdpi"
	mkdir -p "app/platform/android/res/drawable-xhdpi"
	mkdir -p "app/platform/android/res/drawable-hdpi"
	mkdir -p "app/platform/android/res/drawable-mdpi"
	convert "$ICON_SOURCE" -resize 72x72 "app/platform/android/res/drawable-xxhdpi/notificationicon.png"
	convert "$ICON_SOURCE" -resize 48x48 "app/platform/android/res/drawable-xhdpi/notificationicon.png"
	convert "$ICON_SOURCE" -resize 36x36 "app/platform/android/res/drawable-hdpi/notificationicon.png"
	convert "$ICON_SOURCE" -resize 24x24 "app/platform/android/res/drawable-mdpi/notificationicon.png"
	echo "No notificationicon.png found"

Send the notification from your server

All properties must be wrapper with a data object.

The payload of the notification is compatible with Parse server.

Property Type Default Description
alert String null The message to show in the notification center and in the status bar.
title String App Title The title to show in the notification center.
sound String false The sound of the notification. If true or default the default sound is used, otherwise you can specificy an audio file path located in the app bundle (/assets/)
vibrate Boolean false Control the vibration of the phone.
vibrate Array null This property can also be an array with a pattern. When the notification is received the device will vibrate following that pattern
lights Object null This optional property sets the LED light color and frequency. Check out the property description below on how to send it
badge Number null The icon on the launchscreen will display this number on the right-top corner if supported.
icon String null A URL represting a large icon to show.
color String null Background color of the notification icon
tag String null Tag of this notification.
id Number null ID of this notification.
force_show_in_foreground Boolean false Control if notification must be shown as alert even if app is in foreground.
ongoing Boolean false Set whether this is an ongoing notification.
group String null Set this notification to be part of a group of notifications sharing the same key.
group_summary Boolean null Sets whether this notification is the main one for it's group
when Number null Set the time that the event occurred. Notifications in the panel are sorted by this time.
only_alert_once Boolean null Set this flag if you would only like the sound, vibrate and ticker to be played if the notification is not already showing.
big_text String null The longer text to be displayed in the big form of the template in place of the content text.
big_text_summary String null The first line of text after the detail section in the big form of the template.

Lights Object

Property Type Default Description
argb String null [Required] an ARGB or RGB string of the color to set the LED light to. i.e. #ff00ff or #50ff00ff
onMs Number null [Required] The number of milliseconds you want the light to stay on
offMs Number null [Required] The number of milliseconds you want it to stay off. The light will loop between on and off

If any of the above properties are missing, the device default color and frequency will be set


  • If alert is not present, no message is shown in the notification center.
  • The pair (tag, id) identifies this notification from your app to the system, so that pair should be unique within your app. If you call one of the notify methods with a (tag, id) pair that is currently active and a new set of notification parameters, it will be updated.

A PHP/Shell Example


define('GOOGLE_KEY', '');

$json = [
  "registration_ids" => [
  "data"    => [
    "data"  => [
      "alert"     => "Testing " . time(),
      "title"     => "The title",
      "vibrate"   => [100,50,50,50,100],
      "badge"     => 1,
      "tag"       => "APP",

echo json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

echo exec("curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: key=" . GOOGLE_KEY . "' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data " . escapeshellarg(json_encode($json)) . '');

Sending a message to a topic

	// API access key from Google API's Console
	define('API_ACCESS_KEY', '.......');
	// prep the bundle
	$msg = array
		'body' => 'This is a message sent from my http server',
		'title' => 'From server side',
		'priority' => 'high',
		'sound' => 'default',
		'time_to_live' => 3600
	$fields = array('to' => '/topics/myTopic', 'notification' => $msg);

	$headers = array
		'Authorization: key=' . API_ACCESS_KEY,
		'Content-Type: application/json'

	$ch = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($fields));
	$result = curl_exec($ch);
	echo $result;

Handle the notification on the app

The payload of the notifications is the same that comes from your server.

NB: You have to parse the data object on the javascript side:

function(e) { = JSON.parse(;

The object passed in the callback contain also:


A boolean value indicating if the notification has come when the app was in background, and the user has explicited clicked on the banner.




GCM/FCM module for Titanium.







No packages published


  • Java 89.9%
  • PHP 3.9%
  • JavaScript 3.4%
  • Shell 2.8%