Browser client for Geobin.
We have two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and angular framework code. The tools help us manage and test the application.
- We get the tools we depend upon via
, the node package manager. - We get the angular code via
, a client-side code package manager.
We have preconfigured npm
to automatically run bower
so we can simply do:
npm install
Behind the scenes this will also call ./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install
. You should find that you have two new folders in your project.
- contains the npm packages for the tools we need/static/app/components
- contains the angular framework files
Make sure you've also installed all server dependencies (go get
) before starting the application.
make run
Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8080/
static/app/ --> all of the files to be used in production
css/ --> css files
app.css --> default stylesheet
img/ --> image files
js/ --> javascript files
app.js --> application
controllers.js --> application controllers
directives.js --> application directives
filters.js --> custom angular filters
services.js --> custom angular services
partials/ --> angular view partials (partial html templates)
test/ --> test config and source files
protractor-conf.js --> config file for running e2e tests with Protractor
e2e/ --> end-to-end specs
karma.conf.js --> config file for running unit tests with Karma
unit/ --> unit level specs/tests
controllersSpec.js --> specs for controllers
directivessSpec.js --> specs for directives
filtersSpec.js --> specs for filters
servicesSpec.js --> specs for services
Unit tests are written in Jasmine, which we run with the Karma Test Runner.
- the configuration is found at
- the unit tests are found in
The easiest way to run the unit tests is to use the supplied npm script:
npm test
This script will start the Karma test runner to execute the unit tests. This will do a single run of the tests using PhantomJS and then exit.
Karma can also sit and watch the source and test files for changes and then re-run the tests whenever any of them change using Chrome, Firefox, and PhantomJS browers. This is the recommended strategy when developing locally; if your unit tests are being run every time you save a file then you receive instant feedback on any changes that break the expected code functionality.
To run tests continuously with Chrome, Firefox, and PhantomJS, you can use the following supplied npm script:
npm run test-forever
End-to-end tests are written in Jasmine and run with the Protractor End-to-End test runner. It uses native events and has special features for Angular applications.
- the configuration is found at
- the end-to-end tests are found in
Protractor simulates interaction with our web app and verifies that the application responds correctly. Therefore, our web server needs to be serving up the application, so that Protractor can interact with it.
make run
In addition, since Protractor is built upon WebDriver we need to install it by running this script:
npm run update-webdriver
This will download and install the latest version of the stand-alone WebDriver tool.
Once you have ensured that the development web server hosting our application is up and running and WebDriver is updated, you can run the end-to-end tests using the supplied npm script:
npm run test-e2e
This script will execute the end-to-end tests against the application being hosted on the development server.
You can update the tool dependencies by running:
npm update
This will find the latest versions that match the version ranges specified in the package.json
You can update the Angular dependencies by running:
bower update
This will find the latest versions that match the version ranges specified in the bower.json