A python script to convert Youtube Caption files in sbv to plain text transcripts.
Youtube does a good job of creating automatic transcriptions of videos. It's very benefical to download the automatic transcriptions, convert them to plain text, and then edit the transcriptions, and re-upload them.
This simple utility takes a Caption file from sbv format and converts it to a plain text file without the timing. It can be edited, saved, and re-uploaded to Youtube as a Transcript which Youtube will automatically set timings for.
Requires Python to be installed.
Command line:
python sbv2txt.py [Source SBV Filename] [Destination TXT Filename]
python sbv2txt.py captions.sbv transcript.txt
Hope you find this useful! Adding Captions to a video can improve the viewership and popularity of a video so this tool will hopefully come in handy.
I created a quick tutorial on how to use sbv2txt to download the automatic Youtube captions, convert them to a text transcript, edit them, and then re-upload the edited transcription to make better captions.
For my tutorial video on how to use sbv2txt please check out the following links:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8fbL918qYU
- https://geoffmobile.com/blog/how-to-use-sbv2txt-youtube-captions-file-convert-to-transcript
sbv2txt provides an easier way to add captions to your Youtube videos.
- First, download the auto-generated captions file as a “.sbv” file from Youtube.
- Then use sbv2txt as shown in the video to convert the captions file to a plain text transcript.
- Edit the transcription to correct errors and add capitals/punctuation.
- Then re-upload the transcript file and make Youtube sync up the timing automatically.
This script is provided under the MIT License.
Geoff Peters