Chrome DevTools extension for debugging Lavaca apps. Adds a Lavaca tab to chrome dev tools that allows you to visualize view hierarchy, inspect models, and view defined routes. This extension also adds a view and model sidebar to the elements panel for quick debugging.
Manual Installation
- Clone the repository
- run
bower install
- Visit chrome://extensions in chrome
- Make sure Developer mode is checked
- Click on 'Load unpacked extension...'
- Choose the folder of the cloned repo
- Close and re-open developer tools if it's already open
Visualize your application's view hierarchy and inspect the models associated with the rendered views.
View the data associated with the defined routes for your application. Including the pattern, controller type, controller action, and additional parameters.
Exposes the current view and model in the selected elements scope. Defauts to the view on the highest layer.
Exposes two variables to the console
The current view in the selected elements scope. Defaults to the view on the highest layer.$model
The current view's model in the selected elements scope. Defaults to the model of the view on the highest layer.