The idea of this sample project is to show how to persist Annotorious annotations to a database using Razor Pages and Entity Framework. It's really simple and both projects are amazing so hopefully this will make it easier for .NET developers to use them!
- OpenSeadragon v2.4.2 An open-source, web-based viewer for high-resolution zoomable images. It works amazingly well for huge images! In this Sample I only use "small" panorama images (9197x4950), but the result is the same with huge ones.
- Annotorious v2.2.0 A JavaScript image annotation library. Add drawing, commenting and labeling functionality to images in Web pages
- libvips You can use command line to generate DZI image from big JPG or directly in .NET with NetVips NuGet package.
- It's also possible to add a save button and save all annotations changes together depending what you need. For this sample I choose to save with every edit.
- Feel free to contact me here with a PR or in Twitter with any comments you might have in better ways to do improve the JavaScript part of the code which is not my strongest skill.