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Minimum Tractus-X Dataspace

1. Prerequisites

In order to run the Minimum Tractus-X Dataspace "MXD" on your local machine, please make sure the following preconditions are met.

  • Have a local Kubernetes runtime ready. We've tested this setup with KinD, but other runtimes such as Minikube may work as well, we just haven't tested them. All following instructions will assume KinD.
  • Install Terraform.
  • a POSIX-compliant shell, e.g. bash or zsh unless stated otherwise
  • basic knowledge about Helm and Kubernetes
  • [Optional] a cli tool to easily print logs of a K8S deployment, such as stern
  • [Optional] a graphical tool to inspect your Kubernetes environment, such as Lens. Not mandatory of course, but all screenshots in this doc are created off of Lens.
  • [Optional] a graphical tool to inspect Postgres databases, such as PgAdmin. Screenshots in this guide are created off of PgAdmin.
  • [Optional] a graphical tool to send REST requests, such as Postman. This sample will include Postman collections that can be imported.

2. Basic dataspace setup

The "MXD" dataspace initially consists of several components: Alice and Bob (two Tractus-X EDC connectors), a vault instance each, a Postgres database, a Managed Identity Wallet app, a Keycloak instance. Alice and Bob will be our dataspace participants. Each of them stores their secrets in their "private" vault instance, and there is a shared Postgres server, where each of them has a database. MIW and Keycloak are "central" components, they only exist once and are accessible by all participants.

For the most bare-bones installation of the dataspace, execute the following commands in a shell:

# firstly go to the folder containing the config files
cd <path/of/mxd>
kind create cluster -n mxd --config kind.config.yaml
# the next step is specific to KinD and will be different for other Kubernetes runtimes!
kubectl apply -f
# wait until the ingress controller is ready
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
  --for=condition=ready pod \ \
terraform init
terraform apply
# type "yes" and press enter when prompted to do so 

Notice that the kubectl apply command deploys a Kubernetes Ingress Controller to the cluster and is required to reach our applications from outside the cluster. Specifically, it deploys an NGINX ingress controller. Notice also, that the command is specific to KinD and will likely not work on other Kubernetes runtimes (minikube, ...) or with other ingress controllers!

Wait. Then wait some more. It will take a couple of minutes until all services are booted up. If your machine is a potato, it'll take even longer. Just get a coffee. Eventually, it should look similar to this:


Inspect terraform output

After the terraform command has successfully completed, it will output a few configuration and setup values that we will need in later steps. Please note that most values will be different on your local system.


alice-urls = {
  "health" = "http://localhost/alice/health"
  "management" = "http://localhost/alice/management/v2"
bob-node-ip = ""
bob-urls = {
  "health" = "http://localhost/bob/health"
  "management" = "http://localhost/bob/management/v2"
connector1-aeskey = "R3BDWGF4SWFYZigmVj0oIQ=="
connector1-client-secret = "W3s1OikqRkxCbltfNDBmRg=="
connector2-aeskey = "JHJISjZAS0tSKlNYajJTZA=="
connector2-client-secret = "enFFUlkwQyZiJSRLQSohYg=="
keycloak-database-credentials = {
  "database" = "miw"
  "password" = "Tn*iwPEuCgO@d==R"
  "user" = "miw_user"
keycloak-ip = ""
miw-database-pwd = {
  "database" = "keycloak"
  "password" = "W:z)*mnHdy(DTV?+"
  "user" = "keycloak_user"
postgres-url = "jdbc:postgresql://"

Inspect the databases

Please be aware, that all services and applications that were deployed in the previous step, are not accessible from outside the Kubernetes cluster. That means, for example, the Postgres database cannot be reached out-of-the-box.

Naturally there are several ways to enable access to those services (Load balancers, Ingresses, etc.) but for the sake of simplicity we will use a plain Kubernetes port-forwarding:

kubectl port-forward postgres-5b788f6bdd-bvt9b 5432:5423

Note that the actual pod name will be slightly different in your local cluster.

Then, using PgAdmin, connect to the Postgres server at jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ using user=postgres and password=postgres:


Every service in the cluster has their own database, but for the sake of simplicity, they are hosted in one Postgres server. We will show in later sections, how the databases can be segregated out. Feel free to inspect all the databases and tables, but there is not much data in there yet. There is just a few automatically seeded assets, policies and contract definitions.

Please be aware that among the list of databases, there is one named "trudy" which is designated for a new participant named Trudy. You can refer here for additional information about adding this new participant.

Verify your local installation

In order to check that the connectors were deployed successfully, please execute the following commands in a shell:

curl -X GET http://localhost/bob/health/api/check/liveness
curl -X GET http://localhost/alice/health/api/check/liveness

which should return something similar to this, the important part being the isSystemHealthy: true bit:

  "componentResults": [
      "failure": null,
      "component": "Observability API",
      "isHealthy": true
      "failure": null,
      "component": null,
      "isHealthy": true
  "isSystemHealthy": true

Once we've established the basic readiness of our connectors, we can move on to inspect a few data items:

curl -X POST http://localhost/bob/management/v3/assets/request -H "x-api-key: password" -H "content-type: application/json" | jq

this queries the /assets endpoint returning the entire list of assets that bob currently maintains. You should see something like

    "@id": "1",
    "@type": "edc:Asset",
    "edc:properties": {
      "edc:description": "Product EDC Demo Asset 1",
      "edc:id": "1"
    "edc:dataAddress": {
      "@type": "edc:DataAddress",
      "edc:type": "HttpData",
      "edc:baseUrl": ""
    "@context": {
      "dct": "",
      "tx": "",
      "edc": "",
      "dcat": "",
      "odrl": "",
      "dspace": ""
    "@id": "2",
    "@type": "edc:Asset",
    "edc:properties": {
      "edc:description": "Product EDC Demo Asset 2",
      "edc:id": "2"
    "edc:dataAddress": {
      "@type": "edc:DataAddress",
      "edc:type": "HttpData",
      "edc:baseUrl": ""
    "@context": {
      "dct": "",
      "tx": "",
      "edc": "",
      "dcat": "",
      "odrl": "",
      "dspace": ""

Note: the same thing can be done to inspect policies and contract definitions. The respective curl commands are:

# policies:
curl -X POST http://localhost/bob/management/v2/policydefinitions/request -H "x-api-key: password" -H "content-type: application/json" | jq
# contract defs:
curl -X POST http://localhost/bob/management/v2/contractdefinitions/request -H "x-api-key: password" -H "content-type: application/json" | jq

Alternatively, please check out the Postman collections here

3. Add some data

In this step we will focus on inserting data into our participant Alice using the Management API. We will use plain CLI tools (curl) for this, but feel free to use graphical tools such as Postman or Insomnia.

3.1 Add a basic asset, policy and contract-definition

Now we will add an asset titled "simple-asset", an access policy, a contract policy, and then we'll combine them in a contract definition. We'll do this only for Alice, but feel free to try this out with Bob as well. There will not be any restrictions on that asset, meaning, every dataspace member will be able to "see" it.

TODO: add link to policy generator tool

TODO: curl commands

3.2 Add a restricted asset

We will add another asset, but this time we'll put a restriction on it: only participants that have the Dismantler credential will be able to see it. Technically, that means, that the access policy contains a restriction.

TODO: add link to policy generator tool

TODO: curl commands

3.3 [Optional] Add Kubernetes deployment for a newman container

Now that we've done the work manually, we'll learn an easy and convenient way to automatically seed data directly after the cluster starts up and the connector apps are deployed. For that, we'll use a command line tool called newman and run it in a pod, which executes a Postman collection and tests for the HTTP results.

4. Bob gets Alice's catalog

Bob wants to get Alice's data catalog. Since Bob does not have the Dismantler credential, he will only be able to see the "simple-asset" from step 3.1.

We can fetch Alice's catalog with this curl command:

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/v2/catalog/request' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
    "@context": {
        "edc": ""
    "@type": "CatalogRequest",
    "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
    "querySpec": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 50
}' | jq

this requests the catalog from Alice using the dsp protocol with address http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp. The additional field querySpec is used to filter, limit and sort the elements in the catalog.

More information about the catalog here.

The catalog response will look like this:

    "@id": "736199e5-5b9e-4944-8568-46af97bde862",
    "@type": "dcat:Catalog",
    "dcat:dataset": [
            "@id": "1",
            "@type": "dcat:Dataset",
            "odrl:hasPolicy": {
                "@id": "MQ==:MQ==:MDJlMGRlOWUtNzdhZS00N2FhLTg5ODktYzEyMTdhMDE4ZjJh",
                "@type": "odrl:Set",
                "odrl:permission": {
                    "odrl:target": "1",
                    "odrl:action": {
                        "odrl:type": "USE"
                    "odrl:constraint": {
                        "odrl:or": {
                            "odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
                            "odrl:operator": {
                                "@id": "odrl:eq"
                            "odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000002"
                "odrl:prohibition": [],
                "odrl:obligation": [],
                "odrl:target": "1"
            "dcat:distribution": [
                    "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
                    "dct:format": {
                        "@id": "HttpProxy"
                    "dcat:accessService": "6a7e8d1e-e8f2-49f0-bf4d-a9b862c73889"
                    "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
                    "dct:format": {
                        "@id": "AmazonS3"
                    "dcat:accessService": "6a7e8d1e-e8f2-49f0-bf4d-a9b862c73889"
            "edc:description": "Product EDC Demo Asset 1",
            "edc:id": "1"
    "dcat:service": {
        "@id": "6a7e8d1e-e8f2-49f0-bf4d-a9b862c73889",
        "@type": "dcat:DataService",
        "dct:terms": "connector",
        "dct:endpointUrl": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp"
    "edc:participantId": "BPNL000000000001",
    "@context": {
        "dct": "",
        "tx": "",
        "edc": "",
        "dcat": "",
        "odrl": "",
        "dspace": ""

In this case the provider, with participant id BPNL000000000001, is offering some data with id 1, description Product EDC Demo Asset 1, throught the offer MQ==:MQ==:MDJlMGRlOWUtNzdhZS00N2FhLTg5ODktYzEyMTdhMDE4ZjJh and the BusinessPartnerNumber policy restriction. Those informations will be used for negotiating a contract with the provider.

5. Bob transfers data from Alice

Now that Bob knows what Alice is offering, he wants to transmit data. Before Bob can actually request data, he needs to negotiate a contract with Alice. We'll do this using the management API:

TODO: curl commands, example response, show how IDs correlate

Once Bob and Alice have reached an agreement, Bob can start requesting data from Alice. Keeping in mind that he is only permitted to see the "simple-asset", so that's what he'll request. The "simple-asset" is actually a REST API that is hosted in Alice's private network realm. Alice will proxy the access to this API. We call this a " consumer-pull-transfer" and it is the most basic transfer available.

TODO: curl commands, show data response

6. Simplify negotiation and transfer using the EDR API

In step 5 we saw how a contract negotiation and a transfer can be executed using the management API, first the negotiation and then the transfer phase, but there is a simpler way to do this: enter the EDR API. Using this convenient tool, we don't have to care about the intricacies of negotiation and transfer anymore, we can simply request an API token to Alice's proxy, and start sucking data out of it. We don't even need to worry about token expiry - the EDR API has a little gizmo that automatically refreshes the token if it nears expiry.

A detailed documentation about the EDR API is available here.

The EDR API is a tiny wrapper on top of the contract negotiation and transfer state machines. With a single request the system will track the EDR negotiation for us, and it will store it locally for future usage. The API for starting a new EDR negotiation is similar to the contract negotiation one.

We can start a new EDR negotiation with this curl command:

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/edrs' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
	"@context": {
		"odrl": ""
	"@type": "NegotiationInitiateRequestDto",
	"connectorAddress": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
	"protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
	"connectorId": "BPNL000000000001",
	"providerId": "BPNL000000000001",
	"offer": {
		"offerId": "MQ==:MQ==:MDJlMGRlOWUtNzdhZS00N2FhLTg5ODktYzEyMTdhMDE4ZjJh",
		"assetId": "1",
		"policy": {
			"@type": "odrl:Set",
			"odrl:permission": {
				"odrl:target": "1",
				"odrl:action": {
					"odrl:type": "USE"
				"odrl:constraint": {
					"odrl:or": {
						"odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
						"odrl:operator": { "@id": "odrl:eq" },
						"odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000002"
			"odrl:prohibition": [],
			"odrl:obligation": [],
			"odrl:target": "1"
}' | jq

For requesting an EDR we have to specify:

  • connectorId and providerId: the participantId returned from the catalog request
  • connectorAddress: in dcat:service field returned from the catalog request
  • offer: it's derived by the chosen dcat:Dataset returned from the catalog request

If everithing is ok, we'll get this as response:

  "@type": "edc:IdResponse",
  "@id": "2f911118-657d-4001-b36c-73cb45222a4a",
  "edc:createdAt": 1694446314832,
  "@context": {
    "dct": "",
    "tx": "",
    "edc": "",
    "dcat": "",
    "odrl": "",
    "dspace": ""

The @id here is the id of the contract negotiation that has been started.

Since the EDR negotiation sits on top of two state machines, contract negotiation and transfer process, it's an asyncronous process itself. In order to be notified without polling, we could configure the EDC callbacks for being notified on state transition.

We could for example add this in the original request:

  "callbackAddresses": [
      "uri": "http://localhost:8080/hooks",
      "events": [
      "transactional": false

and be notified when the transfer process transition to the state STARTED (EDR negotiatied).

For having a list of the negotiatied EDR for the assedId 1 we can use this curl command:

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/edrs?assetId=1' --header 'X-Api-Key: password' | jq

and the response should look like this:

    "@type": "tx:EndpointDataReferenceEntry",
    "edc:agreementId": "MQ==:MQ==:MWI5OTg2N2YtNTc0ZS00MzUwLTk2NmMtNDFiODE2MzllZTVi",
    "edc:transferProcessId": "89f0d94e-670e-4b0a-a8d9-a6adc726c005",
    "edc:assetId": "1",
    "edc:providerId": "BPNL000000000001",
    "tx:edrState": "NEGOTIATED",
    "tx:expirationDate": 1694447767000,
    "@context": {
      "dct": "",
      "tx": "",
      "edc": "",
      "dcat": "",
      "odrl": "",
      "dspace": ""

To be able to fetch the data with only the assetId via consumer data plane proxy (see more later), only one EndPointDataReferenceEntry associated with an assetId should be valid (Negotiated or Refreshing) at one point in time. This will allow the proxy to fetch the right EDR while requesting data with the assetId. Alternatively if we negotiated multiple EDRs for the same assetId for some reason, we should use the transferprocessId for transferring the data.

The renewal of the token is automatically handled by the EDR extension, we just need to fire the first EDR negotiation and start fetching the data.

Since the EDR is renewed automatically, it can happen that while fetching the EDRs for a particular assetId we can see multiple entries like this:

    "@type": "tx:EndpointDataReferenceEntry",
    "edc:agreementId": "MQ==:MQ==:MWI5OTg2N2YtNTc0ZS00MzUwLTk2NmMtNDFiODE2MzllZTVi",
    "edc:transferProcessId": "ff468685-0f9b-49a1-8ec6-ea40d5a2dc88",
    "edc:assetId": "1",
    "edc:providerId": "BPNL000000000001",
    "tx:edrState": "NEGOTIATED",
    "tx:expirationDate": 1694448312000,
    "@context": {
      "dct": "",
      "tx": "",
      "edc": "",
      "dcat": "",
      "odrl": "",
      "dspace": ""
    "@type": "tx:EndpointDataReferenceEntry",
    "edc:agreementId": "MQ==:MQ==:MWI5OTg2N2YtNTc0ZS00MzUwLTk2NmMtNDFiODE2MzllZTVi",
    "edc:transferProcessId": "89f0d94e-670e-4b0a-a8d9-a6adc726c005",
    "edc:assetId": "1",
    "edc:providerId": "BPNL000000000001",
    "tx:edrState": "EXPIRED",
    "tx:expirationDate": 1694447767000,
    "@context": {
      "dct": "",
      "tx": "",
      "edc": "",
      "dcat": "",
      "odrl": "",
      "dspace": ""

which means that the second EDR is now expired and marked for removal later in time.

The EDR itself is stored in the configured vault. To retrieve it we can use this curl command:

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/edrs/ff468685-0f9b-49a1-8ec6-ea40d5a2dc88' --header 'X-Api-Key: password' | jq

where ff468685-0f9b-49a1-8ec6-ea40d5a2dc88 is the transfer process id of negotiated EDR. Each EDR is bound to one and only transfer process, and the automatic EDR renewal process will just fire another transfer request with the same configuration when it's near expiry.

The response will look like this:

  "@type": "edc:DataAddress",
  "edc:type": "EDR",
  "edc:endpoint": "http://alice-tractusx-connector-dataplane:8081/api/public",
  "edc:id": "ff468685-0f9b-49a1-8ec6-ea40d5a2dc88",
  "edc:authKey": "Authorization",
  "@context": {
    "dct": "",
    "tx": "",
    "edc": "",
    "dcat": "",
    "odrl": "",
    "dspace": ""

Fetching data

For fetching the data we can use two strategies depending on the use case:

  • Provider data-plane
  • Consumer data-plane (proxy)

Provider data-plane

Once the right EDR has been identified using the EDR management API, we can use the endpont, authCode and authKey to make the data request:

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/api/public' \

and the response will look like this:

        "userId": 1,
        "id": 1,
        "title": "delectus aut autem",
        "completed": false
        "userId": 1,
        "id": 2,
        "title": "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui",
        "completed": false
        "userId": 1,
        "id": 3,
        "title": "fugiat veniam minus",
        "completed": false

The provider receives the token, does some security checks and if all it's good it forwards the request to the configured baseUrl in the DataAddress of Asset, which in this case will do a GET request to

Replace the Authorization header with the negotiated one.

The endpoint in the curl above is different from the one returned by the EDR GET API for testing purpose and deployment reason.

Consumer data-plane (proxy)

This option is a simplification of the above one. At this point we know that we negotiated an EDR with the EDR API with a provider for an assetId, and that EDR will be automatically renewed.

We can simply use the proxy API for fetching the data with a POST request:

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/proxy/aas/request' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data '{
    "assetId": "1",
    "providerId": "BPNL000000000001"
}' | jq

and get the same results as the provider data-plane option:

        "userId": 1,
        "id": 1,
        "title": "delectus aut autem",
        "completed": false
        "userId": 1,
        "id": 2,
        "title": "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui",
        "completed": false
        "userId": 1,
        "id": 3,
        "title": "fugiat veniam minus",
        "completed": false

The consumer proxy will fetch the EDR associated with the assetId and the provider id in the local storage, and it will do a GET request to the provider data-plane for us.

Note that if multiple EDRs are associated to the assetId and providerId, the proxy will fail to fulfill the request. In this case the transferprocessid should be used

Since the DataAddress of the asset has been configured to proxy also pathSegments, we could add another parameter in the request to fetch exactly one item from the list:

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/proxy/aas/request' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data '{
    "assetId": "1",
    "providerId": "BPNL000000000001",
    "pathSegments": "/1"
}' | jq

which will give us:

  "userId": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "title": "delectus aut autem",
  "completed": false

and the proxied URL will be

7. Add new participant Trudy

In our current setup, there are two participants named "Alice" and "Bob". Now we will add a new participant named "Trudy".
Following are the steps needed to accomplish this.

7.1 Create Keycloak Client

Presently, Alice and Bob each have a Keycloak client name alice-private-client and bob-private-client.
Trudy should be assigned a Keycloak client as well. For simplicity, a client named trudy-private-client has already been created.

7.2 Create Wallet in MIW

A wallet is needed for Trudy associated with its BPN number (BPNL000000000003). It has been already created along with Alice and Bob's wallet.

7.3 Create a database for Trudy

We need a database for Trudy. A database named trudy has already been created on the existing PostgreSQL server.

7.4 Deploy Trudy Connector

A terraform config has already been defined in trudy.tfignore.
Run the following commands to deploy trudy connector.

mv ./trudy.tfignore ./ # Rename the file
terraform init                 # Let terraform init this new trudy config
terraform apply                # Apply changes for this new trudy config
# type "yes" and press enter when prompted to do so 

7.5 Verify Trudy Connector Deployment

If terraform apply command in the previous step runs successfully, execute following command to check connector health.

curl --fail http://localhost/trudy/health/api/check/readiness

7.6 Create Assets / Access Policy / Contract Definition

Let's insert some data into Trudy connector.

7.6.1 Create Asset

Create an asset using the following curl command:

curl --location 'http://localhost/trudy/management/v3/assets' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {},
  "@id": "1",
  "properties": {
    "description": "Product EDC Demo Asset 1"
  "dataAddress": {
    "@type": "DataAddress",
    "type": "HttpData",
    "baseUrl": ""

This curl command can be used to fetch Trudy's assets:

curl -X POST http://localhost/trudy/management/v3/assets/request -H "x-api-key: password" -H "content-type: application/json"

7.6.2 Create Access Policy

Create an access policy using the following curl command:

curl --location 'http://localhost/trudy/management/v2/policydefinitions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {
    "odrl": ""
  "@type": "PolicyDefinitionRequestDto",
  "@id": "1",
  "policy": {
    "@type": "Policy",
    "odrl:permission": [
        "odrl:action": "USE",
        "odrl:constraint": {
          "@type": "LogicalConstraint",
          "odrl:or": [
              "@type": "Constraint",
              "odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
              "odrl:operator": {
                "@id": "odrl:eq"
              "odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000001"

Trudy defines an access policy which allows only Alice (with BPN Number BPNL000000000001) to view its catalog.

This curl command can be used to fetch Trudy's access policies:

curl -X POST http://localhost/trudy/management/v2/policydefinitions/request -H "x-api-key: password" -H "content-type: application/json"

7.6.3 Create Contract Definition

Create a contract definition using the following curl command:

curl --location 'http://localhost/trudy/management/v2/contractdefinitions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
    "@context": {},
    "@id": "1",
    "@type": "ContractDefinition",
    "accessPolicyId": "1",
    "contractPolicyId": "1",
    "assetsSelector" : {
        "@type" : "CriterionDto",
        "operandLeft": "",
        "operator": "=",
        "operandRight": "1"

This curl command can be used to fetch Trudy's contract definitions:

curl -X POST http://localhost/trudy/management/v2/contractdefinitions/request -H "x-api-key: password" -H "content-type: application/json"

7.6.4 Query Trudy's Catalog

Now we have everything in place, we can now demonstrate connector to connector communications.
Trudy (Provider) wants to exchange data with Alice (Consumer).

Alice executes this curl command to request Trudy's catalog:

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/catalog/request' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
    "@context": {},
    "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
    "counterPartyAddress": "http://trudy-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
    "querySpec": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 50

It should return following response:

  "@id": "8c8e058d-57fc-4c45-9f76-03136e4e3368",
  "@type": "dcat:Catalog",
  "dcat:dataset": {
    "@id": "1",
    "@type": "dcat:Dataset",
    "odrl:hasPolicy": {
      "@id": "MQ==:MQ==:NWYxZTU5OGUtMzA4ZS00NDMzLWE4OGUtM2JkZDJkNWZmYzc5",
      "@type": "odrl:Set",
      "odrl:permission": {
        "odrl:target": "1",
        "odrl:action": {
          "odrl:type": "USE"
        "odrl:constraint": {
          "odrl:or": {
            "odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
            "odrl:operator": {
              "@id": "odrl:eq"
            "odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000001"
      "odrl:prohibition": [],
      "odrl:obligation": [],
      "odrl:target": "1"
    "dcat:distribution": [
        "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
        "dct:format": {
          "@id": "HttpProxy"
        "dcat:accessService": "7d1ddc07-6cf8-4823-a966-75a18e99771c"
        "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
        "dct:format": {
          "@id": "AmazonS3"
        "dcat:accessService": "7d1ddc07-6cf8-4823-a966-75a18e99771c"
    "edc:description": "Product EDC Demo Asset 1",
    "edc:id": "1"
  "dcat:service": {
    "@id": "7d1ddc07-6cf8-4823-a966-75a18e99771c",
    "@type": "dcat:DataService",
    "dct:terms": "connector",
    "dct:endpointUrl": "http://trudy-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp"
  "edc:participantId": "BPNL000000000003",
  "@context": {
    "dct": "",
    "tx": "",
    "edc": "",
    "dcat": "",
    "odrl": "",
    "dspace": ""

Alice can see data sets offered by Trudy.
Now what happens when Bob tries to request Trudy's catalog. Let's check it out.

Bob executes this curl command to request Trudy's catalog:

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/v2/catalog/request' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
    "@context": {},
    "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
    "counterPartyAddress": "http://trudy-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
    "querySpec": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 50

It should return following response:

  "@id": "1bae8946-e44a-44ad-8d62-d70974a0cb89",
  "@type": "dcat:Catalog",
  "dcat:dataset": [],
  "dcat:service": {
    "@id": "7d1ddc07-6cf8-4823-a966-75a18e99771c",
    "@type": "dcat:DataService",
    "dct:terms": "connector",
    "dct:endpointUrl": "http://trudy-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp"
  "edc:participantId": "BPNL000000000003",
  "@context": {
    "dct": "",
    "tx": "",
    "edc": "",
    "dcat": "",
    "odrl": "",
    "dspace": ""

Bob receives an empty data set. But why?
That's because, Trudy had created the access policy which allowed only Alice to view its catalog.

Can you create another access policy and contract definition which allows Bob to view Trudy's catalog?
Hint: Create an access policy using Bob's BPN Number (BPNL000000000002) and use this access policy id while creating contract definition.

8. Improving the setup

Improvements can be made to these aspects:

  • separate out databases: deploy one Postgres per connector, plus one Postgres each for MIW and KC
  • add ingresses for all the various connector endpoints, MIW and Keycloak