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Kirill Plazmer edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 2 revisions

How create a new dungeon

To create a dungeon, you need only one action - enter the command /dungeon editor
After that, in the menu that opens, click on the "Dungeons" tab

In this tab, you need to select an item in the bottom slot with the name "Create Dungeon"

After you click on an item, the menu will close and you need to enter the ID of your new dungeon into the chat, without using a slash /

👍 Once you've come up with an ID for your dungeon, just send it to the chat and a new dungeon will be created!

Dungeon settings

To set up your dungeon, you need to write the command /dungeon editor
This is the main plugin management menu.
There is an item for setting keys and dungeons.

Now I will tell you how to set up a dungeon 👇

Select a dungeon item, then in the menu that opens, select any of the dungeons you need and click on it (in the menu, when you hover over an item, its name, ID and a brief description of the dungeon will be written)

You are in the main settings menu of your dungeon, there are many tabs and minor settings in the same menu.

Item - Name ⚊ This setting allows you to change the name of your dungeon online, which is very convenient for many.

Item - Attached Keys ⚊ This setting is responsible for what keys the player needs to activate or open this dungeon.

Item - Open Hologram Text ⚊ This is one of the settings for the dungeon holograms, specifically the text that is displayed when the dungeon is in the open stage after activating it. You can use different placeholders from another wiki tab.

Item - Close Hologram Text ⚊ This is the second type of hologram, which is responsible for the stage when the dungeon is already open by the players and the closing stage is underway.

Item - Wait Hologram Text ⚊ The third and final type of hologram is when the dungeon is waiting to be opened. Whether it's opening by time or when a player clicks.

Item - Hologram Y Offset ⚊ This setting allows you to adjust the position of the hologram along the Y axis.

Item - Schematics ⚊ This item allows you to specify which schematics this dungeon will use to display in the world. You can create any design, then save it using the WorldEdit or FAWE plugins and drop it into the plugin folder in /schematics/.

📍 If your schematic doesn't fit, the plugin will let you know.

Item - Opening Type ⚊ The plugin currently supports two types. The first type is CLICK - Opens the dungeon when the player clicks on it. The second type is a TIMER - Opens the dungeon by time after it appears (the time is configured in the config)

Item - Click Timer ⚊ This setting is responsible for whether two types of opening will be used at the same time, that is, if yes, then when you click on a dungeon, the time before it will be opened will be activated.

Item - Big Chest ⚊ This setting is responsible for whether the dungeon chest will be small or large.

Item - Random Slots ⚊ This setting is responsible for whether the dungeon chest will be filled in random order, or whether all items will fill the chest for each slot in order.

Item - Underground ⚊ This setting controls whether the dungeon is allowed to spawn underground. If not, the dungeon will only appear on the ground.

Item - Blocks & Search Radius ⚊ This setting is responsible for how many chest blocks will be used in the schematic, and also, this is the search radius for these chests (it is multiplied by the radius of the region).

Item - Chest Block ⚊ This setting controls which item the dungeon will use as the chest that players will activate.

📍 If this material is not in the schematic, the dungeon will not work!

Item - Rewards ⚊ This is the rewards tab, where you can set any items, their number and the chance of their appearance in the dungeon chest.

Item - Region ⚊ This dungeon region setting. It has a setting for the name of the region (for now only for WG), a setting for enabling / disabling the region, a setting for ignoring air, the radius of this region (it is multiplied by 2) and flags for the region (for now only for WG).

Item - Effects ⚊ This is a region effects setting. In it, you can add buffs or debuffs to the dungeon region. There is a setting for the duration and strength of the effect.

Item - Minimal Online ⚊ This setting is responsible for what should be online on the server so that this dungeon can appear.

👏This completes the dungeon setup. If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, I'm waiting for you in my discord channel, and then we move on to setting up the keys.

Key settings

In order to proceed to setting the keys, you need to write the command /dungeon editor.
In the menu that opens, select the right item - the keys.

To create a key, click on the item "Create Key" and similarly with the creation of a dungeon - enter the ID for the key.

To set up a key, select the key you need and click on it.

In the menu that opens, you have the setting for the name of the key and the Item.
To change the name, simply click on the item and enter the name you need into the chat.
To change a key item, take any item from your inventory and put it in the item for the key.
I draw your attention to the fact that in the item only the name of the key will be changed to yours, but the description and texture will not be affected!

Congratulations, your dungeon is up and running. If you have any suggestions or found a mistake, then I'm waiting for you in the discord