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ghost boats edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the BG3 Mod Helper Wiki!

This wiki serves as a comprehensive guide and resource center for both users and contributors of the BG3 Mod Helper Visual Studio Code extension. This extension is designed to enhance the efficiency of modding Baldur's Gate 3 by providing a suite of tools that simplify common modding tasks. I also provide my guides for making simple mods.

For Modders

The BG3 Mod Helper is intended to streamline your modding workflow with a variety of features. To learn how to use all the tools and features please visit the Extension Features(COMING SOON) section.

For Developers

Interested in contributing to the BG3 Mod Helper? This section is for anyone looking to understand the internals of the extension or contribute to its development.

  • Setup Development Environment: Learn how to set up your environment to start developing for the BG3 Mod Helper.
  • Architecture Overview: Understand the architecture, including how the extension integrates with VS Code and the Baldur's Gate 3 game files.
  • Contribute Code: Guidelines on submitting contributions, coding standards, and how to submit pull requests.

For more details, check out the Developers' Guide(COMING SOON) section.

Modding Guides

Some quick short guides I have written from various tests and compiling documentation found online by others. (COMING SOON)

Installation & Download Options

Quickly get started by installing the BG3 Mod Helper through various channels:

Contributing and Feedback

Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement", post in discussions, or simply dm me here or on Discord.

For bugs and feature requests, please file an issue through our GitHub Issues page.


For direct communication, please reach out via Discord, I reply back often and usually pretty quickly. Otherwise, try the discussions section.

Special Thanks

Lots of thanks and appreciation to those who tolerated my questions as I tried to figure out different aspects of this extension since its my first time making something like this! While they have no actual affiliation to this mod, the resources and answers they provided to my questions were eye opening. Also alot of functionality I learned from looking at how LaughingLeader setup python scripts to use divine.exe and lslib.dll. Thank you all again and thank you to the community for giving me useful feedback! Also thanks to khbsd for helping with the project!