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Birthday Greetings Kata (C#)


The Birthday Greetings is a kata born with the purpose to learn how to implement an hexagonal architecture, which is a good way to structure an application, to shield your domain model from external apis and systems.


The HR department of a company want to send birthday greetings to all the employees who are born today. The employee list with their name, surname, birthday and email is kept in a text file.

The program loads the employee's data and:

  • reads the file line by line
  • parses the csv in an Employee object
  • filters the employees who have a birthday today
  • sends an email to selected employees

The code is written with a structured programming style using the classical layered architecture. The business logic is mostly written in the BirthdayService class and it comprises several layers of abstractions:

  • opening and reading the file
  • selecting the employees who are born today
  • sending an email to each of them

Hexagonal Architecture

We want to refactor the code toward an hexagonal architecture so that the business logic is completely separated from the interaction with the low level classes accessing the filesystem and sending emails.

The separation of the abstraction level allows, as a side effect, to test the domain logic by using in memory super fast unit tests.

Layer Separation

Every external systems is hidden behind a facade that:

Provides a simplified view of the external system, with only the operations that we need to do with it. Is expressed in terms of the domain model. The domain model does not depend on any other layer; all other layers depend on the domain model.

gui file system database

How can we make the domain independent, for instance, of the database? We should define a repository interface that returns domain objects. The interface is defined in the domain layer, and is implemented in the database layer.

Hexagonal Architecture

Building and Launching Tests

To build the project:

dotnet build

To launch the test:

dotnet test

There is a failing test to help you in understanding how the code is structured:

$ dotnet test                                                                                                                                            [21:36:08]
  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
  BirthdayGreetings -> /Users/gpace/playground/birthday-kata-csharp/src/BirthdayGreetings/bin/Debug/net7.0/BirthdayGreetings.dll
  BirthdayGreetings.Tests -> /Users/gpace/playground/birthday-kata-csharp/test/BirthdayGreetings.Tests/bin/Debug/net7.0/BirthdayGreetings.Tests.dll
Test run for /Users/gpace/playground/birthday-kata-csharp/test/BirthdayGreetings.Tests/bin/Debug/net7.0/BirthdayGreetings.Tests.dll (.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 17.5.0 (x64)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
  Failed WillSendGreetingsWhenItsSomebodysBirthday [121 ms]
  Error Message:
     Expected string length 26 but was 25. Strings differ at index 25.
  Expected: "Happy Birthday, dear John!"
  But was:  "Happy Birthday, dear John"

  Stack Trace:
     at BirthdayGreetings.Tests.AcceptanceTest.WillSendGreetingsWhenItsSomebodysBirthday() in /Users/gpace/playground/birthday-kata-csharp/test/BirthdayGreetings.Tests/AcceptanceTest.cs:line 32

1)    at BirthdayGreetings.Tests.AcceptanceTest.WillSendGreetingsWhenItsSomebodysBirthday() in /Users/gpace/playground/birthday-kata-csharp/test/BirthdayGreetings.Tests/AcceptanceTest.cs:line 32

Failed!  - Failed:     1, Passed:     7, Skipped:     0, Total:     8, Duration: 165 ms - BirthdayGreetings.Tests.dll (net7.0)