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Software Development for Algorithmic Problems


  • 1115202000018: Georgios-Alexandros Vasilakopoulos
  • 1115202000154: Georgios Nikolaou


Development of approximal searching and vector clustering algorithms in C++:

  • k-Nearest Neighbours and Range Search, using:

    • Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH)
    • Hypercube Random Projection (Cube)
    • Graph Nearest Neighbour Search (GNNS)
    • Monotonic Relative Neighbourhood Graph (MRNG)
  • Lloyds's clustering algorithm

  • Reverse Search clustering, enhanced with approximal searching.

The algorithms are benchmarked on the MNIST handwritten digit dataset, where each 28 x 28 image is represented as a 784 - dimensional vector.

File Structure

├── Makefile
├── graphs
├── input
│   ├── latent_test
│   ├── latent_train
│   ├── test_images
│   └── train_images
├── output
│   ├── bf_latent.txt
│   ├── gnns_latent.txt
│   ├── mrng_latent.txt
│   ├── configs
│   │   └── ...
│   └── plots
│       └── ...
└── src
    ├── bench.conf
    ├── benchmark.cpp
    ├── benchmarks.bash
    ├── approximators
    │   ├── cube
    │   │   ├── main.cpp
    │   │   ├── include
    │   │   │   ├── cube.hpp
    │   │   │   └── cube_hash.hpp
    │   │   └── modules
    │   │       └── cube.cpp
    │   └── lsh
    │       ├── main.cpp
    │       ├── include
    │       │   ├── lsh.hpp
    │       │   └── lsh_hash.hpp
    │       └── modules
    │           └── lsh.cpp
    ├── autoencoder
    │   ├── main.cpp
    │   ├──
    │   └── encoder
    │       ├── encoder.keras
    │       ├──
    │       ├── results.csv
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └──
    ├── cluster
    │   ├── cluster.conf
    │   ├── main.cpp
    │   ├── include
    │   │   └── cluster.hpp
    │   └── modules
    │       └── cluster.cpp
    ├── common
    │   ├── main.cpp
    │   ├── include
    │   │   ├── Approximator.hpp
    │   │   ├── ArgParser.hpp
    │   │   ├── FileParser.hpp
    │   │   ├── HashTable.hpp
    │   │   ├── Vector.hpp
    │   │   └── utils.hpp
    │   └── modules
    │       ├── Approximator.cpp
    │       ├── ArgParser.tcc
    │       ├── Distances.tcc
    │       ├── FileParser.tcc
    │       ├── HashTable.tcc
    │       ├── Vector.tcc
    │       └── utils.cpp
    └── graph
        ├── main.cpp
        ├── include
        │   └── Graph.hpp
        ├── modules
        │   └── Graph.cpp

Data Handling

  • The input data is loaded into a DataSet object, where each data instance is represented by a DataPoint object.

  • Each DataPoint encapsulates a unique ID and a vector of type Vector<uint8_t>.

  • The Vector<> template class allows convenient manipulation of vectorized data, through constructs such as overloaded operators, type conversions and indexing.

Related Modules: common/modules/Vector.tcc, common/modules/utils.cpp


The Approximator abstract class is a 'base' class that stores a DataSet reference and provides functions for

  • K Nearest Neighbours kNN( )
  • K Approximate Nearest Neighbours kANN( ) (pure virtual)
  • Range Search RangeSearch( ) (pure virtual)

Each of these functions takes as arguments:

  • A metric function (such as the l2 metric)
  • A query DataPoint
  • Algorithm-related parameters

And returns the unique vector IDs that were found by the respective search algorithm.

Both LSH and Cube are subclasses of Approximator and implement kANN( ) and RangeSearch( ) accordingly.


$ make lsh
$ ./lsh –d <input file> –q <query file> –k <int> -L <int> -ο <output file> -Ν <number of nearest> -R <radius>

The LshAmplifiedHash class implements the LSH algorithm. It encapsulates multiple LshHash object, each of which maps a vector to a random hyperplane, defined by a random vector v and a random scalar t. When applied to a vector p, it produces a randomly weighted linear combination of the LshHash outputs, applied on p.

The LSH class contains several hashtables, each defined by a unique LshAmplifiedHash. Each hashtable is populated with the entire dataset. When applying a search algorithm for some query, the candidate neigbours are those that are contained in the hashtable buckets that the query would be placed in.


$ make cube
$ ./cube –d <input file> –q <query file> –k <int> -M <int> -probes <int> -ο <output file> -Ν <number of nearest> -R <radius>

The CubeHash class implements the Hypercube Projection algorithm. It encapsulates multiple LshHash objects. When applied to a vector p, it produces a random projection into binary vector that corresponds to a hypercube vertex.

The Cube class contains a single hashtable, defined by a unique CubeHash and populated with the entire dataset. The number of buckets is equal the number of vertices of the k-dimensional hypercube (2^k). When applying a search algorithm for some query, the candidate neigbours are searched in hypercube vertices of ascending hamming distance in relation to the vertex that the query would be placed in.


$ make cluster
$ ./cluster –i <input file> –c <configuration file> -o <output file> -complete <optional> -m <method: Classic OR LSH or Hypercube> -project <New Dataset to project to>
  • The Cluster class stores pointers to DataPoint objects that are members of the cluster. It provides several functionalities that are essential for the management of a cluster:

    • Inclusion of a datapoint in the cluster, add( )
    • Removal of a datapoint from the cluster, remove( )
    • Center calculation, update( )
  • Clusterer is an abstract class, the objects of which are handles for clustering algorithms. Upon construction, a Clusterer object stores a reference to a DataSet object and performs the k-means++ algorithm for the initialization of the clusters.

  • Lloyd is a subclass of Clusterer that implements the classical clustering algorithm augmented with the MacQueen update step, through the apply( ) function.

  • RAssignment is also a subclass of Clusterer. Additionally to the common parameters, it also stores an Approximator object (LSH or Cube), that is used in order to accelerate the clustering process, with the tradeoff of finding approximate neighbours.


$ make graph_search
$ ./graph_search –d <input file> –q <query file> –k <int> -E <int> -R <int> -N <int> -l <int, only for Search-on-Graph> -m <1 for GNNS, 2 for MRNG> -ο <output file>


The GNN class implements the Graph Nearest Neighbor Search. Upon initialization, for each point of the dataset (i.e. node of the graph), its k nearest neighbors are connected with edges. The k nearest neighbors are determined with either the LSH or HyperCube approximation algorithms.

When querying for a point q:

  • A special graph search is initialized at a randomly chosen point.
  • At each of the E iterations, the neighbors of the selected point are fetched and the next selected point is determined according to distance from q.
  • This entire process is repeated R times.
  • In the end, out of all the visited points, the k closest ones to q will be returned.


The MRNG class implements the Monotonic Relative Neighborhood Graph. During initialization, for each point p, its k nearest neighbors are found; each of the knn's are linearly added as edges only if their distance to p is smaller than the distance to all of the already placed graph-neighbors of p.

When querying for a point q:

  • A search is initialized at some (given) starting point
  • At each iteration, the search is expanded to the neighbors of the node which is closest to q
  • Naturally, this search algorithm utilizes a priority queue, the size of which is bounded by a given parameter L.
  • When the limit L is reached, the top k nodes of the priority queue are returned.


The src/autoencoder/ directory contains several Python scripts for training, tuning and utilizing Autoencoders for dimensionality reduction.

  • The Autoencoder() function, defined in src/autoencoder/encoder/, is used for defining a TensorFlow Autoencoder model, given the following parameters:

    • Input Shape
    • Latent dimension
    • Convolution Layer Sizes
    • Batch Normalization
    • Kernel Size
    • Activation Function & Parameters
  • For training an Autoencoder model with a specific set of parameters, the script src/autoencoder/encoder/ is used as follows:

    $ cd ./src/autoencoder/encoder
    $ --train_path <> --test_path <> --latent_train_path <> --latent_test_path <> --planes <> --depth <> --norm <> --kernel_size <> --epochs <> --lr <> --batch_size <>

    During the training process, the Adam optimizer is used, along with Mean Squared Error as loss function. Also, Early Stopping is employed, in order to prevent the model from overfitting.

  • Using the script src/autoencoder/encoder/, one can determine the optimal set of hyperparameters of an Autoencoder, for dimensionality reduction in the handwritten digit problem and is used as follows:

    $ cd ./src/autoencoder/encoder
    $ --train_path <> --test_path <>

    The optimal set of hyperparameters is obtained through a standard Grid Search algorithm:

    param_grid = [
        {'depth': [2], 'planes': [[16, 8], [16, 32], [32, 16]], 
         'kernel_size': [3, 5], 'lr': [1e-4], 'batch_size': [64, 128],
         'norm': [False],
         'latent_dim': [10, 16, 22]},
        {'depth': [3], 'planes': [[32, 16, 8], [16, 32, 48], [48, 32, 16]], 
         'kernel_size': [3, 5], 'lr': [1e-4], 'batch_size': [64, 128],
         'norm': [False],
         'latent_dim': [10, 16, 22]},

    It is important to note that each trained model is evaluated according to the ability to accurately predict nearest neighbors in the latent space.

  • The script src/autoencoder/ is used for converting datasets down to lower dimensions, using the pre-trained encoder of the model that was produced after running Grid Search:

$ cd ./src/autoencoder
$ python –d <dataset> -q <queryset> -od <output_dataset_file> -oq <output_query_file>
  • To test the performance of the algorithms on the latent space mentioned in the assignment, namely Brute Force, GNNS and MRNG, we created src/autoencoder/main.cpp. It is a modification of src/graph/main.cpp and to execute run:
$ make encoder
$ ./encoder –d <input file> –q <query file> –k <int> -E <int> -R <int> -N <int> -l <int, only for Search-on-Graph> -m <1 for GNNS, 2 for MRNG, 3 for BF> -ο <output file> -dl <input file, latent space> –ql <query file, latent space>


$ make benchmark
$ ./benchmark –d <input file> –q <query file> -ο <output file> -c <csv file> -config <parm. configuration file> -size <size to truncate input file, 0 for no truncation>

In order to thoroughly test the performance of the two graph models, we developed a script that runs queries on all of the developed models (LSH, HyperCube, GNN, MRNG) and quantifies their performance based on various metrics, namely:

  • Accuracy
  • Approximation Factor
  • Maximum Approximation Factor
  • Average Relative Time (to brute force quering)

To produce the metrics for various data sizes, execute ./benchmarks.bash. Script description:

  • Functionality:
    • Compiles benchmark-related files
    • Runs the corresponding executable several times with different train set sizes
    • Produces the plots using python:
    • Optionaly, loads the graph instead of computing it
  • Input:
    • Train and Test Datasets
    • Config File
    • Output File
  • Output:
    • Depending on flags: .graph file containing the initialized graphs
    • A text file for each train set size, containing the reported metrics for each algo
    • A csv file with the reported metrics
    • Plots for each metric


Approximate K-NN

We evaluate the performance of both approximate K-NN algorithms (LSH and Cube) with the following two metrics:

  • Relative Time Perfomance: Execution time of the approximal algorthm (LSH or Cube), divided by the execution time of the naive algortihm. Closer to 0 is better.
  • Approximation Factor: The average distance between approximate and true nearest neighbours. Closer to 1 is better.

Each algorithm is executed 10 times and the values reported are an average of these executions.

In both cases, the results prove that the algorithms approximate the nearest neighbours exceptionally well, while taking a fraction of the time.

It is worth noting that the appropriate selection of hyper-parameters is essential to achieving good performance.

LSH Parameters and Performance

  • Relative Time Perfomance: 0.2486
  • Approximation Factor: 1.0418

Using parameters: –k 4 -L 5 -Ν 10,  and table size = n / 8,   window = 2600

Cube Parameters and Performance

  • Relative Time Perfomance: 0.1204
  • Approximation Factor: 1.1093

Using parameters: –k 7 -M 6000 -probes 10 -Ν 10,  and window = 2600


The clustering performance is evaluated using the Silhouette coefficient, as well as the total clustering time. The results prove that the clustering algorithms using approximal methods produce results significantly faster than the traditional approach, while maintaining accuracy.

In all cases, we search for 10 clusters, one for each digit.

For Reverse Assignment we use the parameters mentioned in the previous section.

Lloyd's Algorithm

  • Clustering time: 33.760
  • Silhouette for each cluster: [0.118, 0.137, 0.156, 0.369, 0.191, 0.230, 0.100, 0.283, 0.179, 0.099]
  • Silhouette coefficient: 0.179

Reverse Assignment using LSH

  • Clustering time: 4.166
  • Silhouette for each cluster: [0.088, 0.149, 0.045, 0.347, 0.017, 0.068, 0.069, 0.074, 0.105, 0.068]
  • Silhouette coefficient: 0.099

Reverse Assignment using Cube

  • Clustering time: 1.345
  • Silhouette for each cluster: [0.037, 0.139, 0.075, 0.196, 0.107, 0.213, 0.084, 0.059, 0.091, 0.127]
  • Silhouette coefficient: 0.127


Parameter Tuning

To facilitate parameter tuning we created the file. To execute run:

$ cd ./src/graph/
$ python 

We perform an execution of benchmarks.bash on every combination of the following parameters:

  • R: [1, 5, 10, 15]
  • T: [10, 20, 30]
  • E: [30, 40, 50]
  • l: [1, 10, 100, 1000, 2000]

The resulting plots can be found under output/plots/.


We found that for graph algorithms, the optimal parameters for the whole dataset, compromising on accuracy and time complexity, are:

  • GNNS: -k 150 -R 15 -T 10 -E 40, and T = 10
  • MRNG: -k 150 -l 2000, and T = 10

For both algorithms, the parameters used for the approximators are those of Assignment 1.

Comparison Plots

We make the following observations:

  • Graph algorithms heavily depend on their parameters. We posit that these parameters should not be fixed but instead be a dependent on the training set size. This suggestion is substantiated by the observation that for smaller sizes, using smaller parameter values achieves good performance in terms of accuracy and approximation factor, all while being faster than the alternatives. Conversely, for larger parameter values, although performance increases marginally, querying time experiences an exponential increase.
  • Regarding the best parameters:
    • Graph algorithms consistently demonstrate superior accuracy compared to both LSH and Cube, regardless of the train set size.
    • Although GNNS exhibits better accuracy than LSH, it results in higher approximation factors and maximum approximation factors. This can be attributed to the parameter R. GNNS heavily relies on the initial points, and the use of only 15 random samples may at times be insufficient for achieving a satisfactory approximation enough times to skew the average.
    • While graph algorithms demonstrate faster performance than both LSH and Cube on larger train set sizes, they exhibit significant shortcomings for smaller data sizes.


Parameter Tuning

The script produces a csv file with useful information about the performance of each model. To evaluate and choose the best one, we developed the script ./src/autoencoder/encoder/ Models are ranked based on the following formulla: Score = AF + MAF - 2 * Accuracy (of NN) - Percentage of Correctly Predicted Neighbour Set. The top 3 models are presented below:

ID Latent Dim Planes Batch Norm Kernel Size Batch Size Accuracy AF MAF Neighbours Score
1 16 [16, 32] False 3 128 37 % 1.02397 1.63538 54 % 1.375
2 16 [32, 16] False 3 64 36 % 1.01980 1.68184 56 % 1.421
3 22 [16, 32, 48] False 3 64 44 % 1.02155 1.82020 52 % 1.435

We choose Model 2 as the best encoder due to its better approximation factor and the higher percentage of neighbours predicted.

Furthermore, by manually tuning the graph hyperparameters, we find the the following parameters are optimal:

  • GNNS: -k 150 -R 10 -T 10 -E 30, and T = 10
  • MRNG: -k 150 -l 500, and T = 10


After using to create the latent space datasets (./input/latent_train and ./input/latent_test),

Algorithm Relative Time Performance Approximation Factor Maximum Approximation Factor
LSH 0.225 1.0253 1.5348
Cube 0.117 1.0541 1.4110
GNNS 0.094 1.0282 2.6753
MRNG 0.045 1.0000 1.0000
BF Latent 0.083 1.0491 1.1925
GNNS Latent 0.008 1.0704 1.2202
MRNG Latent 0.005 1.0496 1.1927

We make the following observations:

  • The brute force algorithm in the latent space is essentially an approximation algorithm and, therefore, does not produce perfect results.
  • Algorithms in the latent space are significantly faster than their counterparts in the original space. This speed improvement is expected due to the reduced dimension size.
  • GNNS and espesially MRNG produce close to perfect results in the latent space (close to the corresponing BF results and the true NNs). Importantly, they achieve this with a tiny fraction of the time. Specifically, both algorithms run in under 1 % of the time required by the brute force algorithm in the original space, with MRNG being at half a percent of the time needed, while still delivering close-to-perfect results.

The clustering results are as follows:

ID Silhouettes Silhouette Avg. Objective Function Value Clustering Time
Original [0.125, 0.361, 0.108, 0.153, 0.154, 0.328, 0.130, 0.130, 0.071, 0.202] 0.175 1570.007 10.629 sec
Reduced (Projected) [0.153, 0.231, 0.157, 0.152, 0.272, 0.172, 0.176, 0.228, 0.316, 0.446] 0.233 1582.292 0.321 sec
Reduced [0.228, 0.443, 0.307, 0.327, 0.271, 0.201, 0.268, 0.181, 0.187, 0.261] 0.268 165.089 0.294 sec
  • Original: K-Means on the original train dataset.
  • Reduced (Projected): K-Means on the latent space and conversion of clusters to original train dataset.
  • Reduced (Projected): K-Means on the latent space

We observe that performing the K-Means clustering algorithm on the latent space produces results that are comparable to those in the original dimension size.

Even though the avg. Silhouette scores show a slight increase in the Reduced and Reduced (Projected) cases, the total clustering time decreases significantly, due to the reduced dimension size.

Also, the objective function value of the Reduced (Projected) case is very similar to the original case, which implies that the encoder preserves the spatial relationships between the vectors.

Note that the Objective Function Value of the Reduced case is not comparable with the other two, as it is expected to be smaller, due to the reduced dimension size.