Build two Express Microservices that share the same database and have two endpoints:
- POST: expects a CSV payload and saves the data to a MongoDB database
- GET: reads data from the same database and serves JSON responses. Add Filters on the data as query parameters.
It builds 4 images:
- microservices-mongo-csv-importer_apifilters
- microservices-mongo-csv-importer_dataimporter
- mongo
- node
and 3 containers:
- apifilters
- dataimporter
- mongodb
The containers communicate with each other on a network named 'micro-app'.
npm run start
npm run dev
- CSV Importer
With a tool like Postman, make a POST request at http://localhost:5000/ (it suppose the input file name is 'emissions')
To see the mongodb data:
docker exec -it mongodb bash
show dbs
use vizuality
show collections
# try some filters
db.emissions.find({parent_sector: {$ne: ""} }).pretty()
$match: {
country: "ABW",
sector: "Total including LULUCF",
emissions.year: 1850
- API Filters
See all endpoints at http://localhost:4000/api-docs
Test urls:
- http://localhost:4000/api/v1/sectors
- http://localhost:4000/api/v1/countries
- http://localhost:4000/api/v1/countries/pol
- http://localhost:4000/api/v1/countries/arg/Total%20including%20LULUCF/2000
- Node
- Express
- Cors
- Morgan
- Nodemon
- Typescript
- Mongoose
- Multer
- CSV-parser
- Swagger-jsdoc
- Swagger-ui-express
In case that docker get stuck on windows, run:
wsl -l -v
wsl --unregister docker-desktop
# start/stop docker
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
# last running containers
docker ps
# show all containers
docker ps -a
# stop containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker stop e8
# remove containers
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
# list images
docker images -a
# remove image(s)
docker rmi -f 23
docker rmi $(docker images -aq)
# volumes
docker volume ls
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)