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Semantic Data Aggregator Orchestration

A mechanism to orchestrate the Semantic Data Aggregator (SDA) life cycle management by an external application or system using the NGSI-LD API like an interface that allows translating orders from an external orchestrator component to requests to the SDA and extending the NGSI-LD data model for that.

This is an approach to orchestrate the state transitions of those NGSI-LD entities that represent the different stages in the data pipelines and model the actions of the Data Aggregator agents.

To deal with the life cycle management of the data aggregator we define the Agent NGSI-LD Entity. This is a parent entity for every life cycle stage of the agent entities in the data pipeline: MetricSource, TelemetrySource, MetricTarget, MetricProcessor and StreamApplication entities.

Users or applications can declaratively express the desired state for each agent of the Data Aggregator (collector, aggregator and dispatcher).

The Agent parent entity has the following properties:

  • action: property value set by users to change the agent state.
  • state: property value updated by the Weaver during the action triggered by users to indicate the agent state.
  • stateInfo: optional cross-domain property to describe errors when the processed action fails or feedback information about the agent state.

The information model for the Agent parent entity is depicted below.


Also, a short version of the state transition diagram for these Agent-type entities is represented (different possible values that the state property of Agent entities can take). The transition between states is triggered through the operation determined by the value of the action property (transition action).


Furthermore, it is important to note that among the desired states for these agent entities (shown in the previous diagram), there are intermediate transition states to determine the possibility or not of changing the state of the entity. These intermediate transition states are BUILDING and FAILED. The following is a part of the state transition diagram to give an example of the state changes made for the start and the end of an Agent entity.


When there is no error in the processing activities to trigger a new state change in the entity (for example, from the RUNNING state to the CLEANED state), the BUILDING state serves as an intermediate transition state. If an error occurs to carry out this change of state, it will go from the BUILDING state to the FAILED state, indicating the cause of the error in the stateInfo property, to finally return to the original state.

Table of Contents

  1. Collection and Dispatch Agents Orchestration
  2. Aggregation Agents Orchestration
  3. Endpoint and Data Source context information entities Orchestration
  4. Final thoughts on SDA orchestration

Collection and Dispatch Agents Orchestration

Collector and Dispatcher are two of the types of agents that SDA orchestrates, managing the life cycle of these agents that works as a NiFi processing flows using metadata from the information models.

In the following subsections, different sequence diagrams are detailed to show the state transition management of those NGSI-LD entities that represent the metadata for the collection agents.

I - Instantiate and upgrade collection agent

The following sequence diagram shows the steps that the SDA framework follows to allow the collection agent instantiation. This diagram corresponds to the START(0) transition action of the state transition diagram.


The steps followed by SDA for the collection agent instantiation are as follows:

  1. First of all, the user has to model and create a new NGSI-LD collection agent entity (e.g., MetriSource or TelemetrySource entity) in Scorpio Broker to describe collection agent metadata. In the entity the user have to define the action property (inherited from the Agent parent entity) initialized to the START value.

  2. The entity creation triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the collection agent initialization is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the configuration and instantiation of the collection agent with a NiFi processing flow.

  4. When NiFi successfully instantiates the processor, the Weaver update the state property of the collection agent entity to the RUNNING value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the collection agent has been successfully instantiated.


The previous sequence diagram shows an example of Endpoint error detection. After creating the collection agent entity and before configuring and instantiating the NiFI processing flow for the collection agent, Weaver must check whether or not there is an Endpoint entity that defines the data source endpoint from which the information is extracted. If this Endpoint entity does not exist, the collection agent configuration and the processor execution will fail. In that case, the Weaver will update the state property of the collection agent entity to the FAILED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the failed operation. Finally, the user is notified that the collection agent could not be instantiated.


The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the framework follows to allow the collection agent upgrade. This diagram corresponds to the START(1) or the START(3) transition action of the state transition diagram. The steps are the following:

  1. First of all, user has to update the previously created NGSI-LD collection agent entity (e.g., MetriSource or TelemetrySource entity) in Scorpio Broker. To do this, the action property must be updated to the START value.

  2. The entity upgrade triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the collection agent upgrade is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the configuration and upgrade of the collection agent with a NiFi processing flow.

  4. When NiFi successfully upgrades the processor, the Weaver update the state property of the collection agent entity to the RUNNING value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the collection agent has been successfully updated.

II - Deploy and stop collection agent

The following sequence diagram shows the steps that the SDA framework follows to allow the collection agent deployment (deploy stopped agent). This diagram corresponds to the STOP(0) transition action of the state transition diagram.


The steps followed by SDA for the collection agent deployment are as follows:

  1. First of all, the user has to model and create a new NGSI-LD collection agent entity (e.g., MetriSource or TelemetrySource entity) in Scorpio Broker to describe collection agent metadata. In the entity the user has to define the action property (inherited from the Agent parent entity) initialized to the STOP value.

  2. The entity creation triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the collection agent deployment is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the configuration and creation of the collection agent with a NiFi processing flow. The NiFi flow will be deployed but will not be started.

  4. When NiFi successfully deploys the processor, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the RUNNING value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the collection agent has been successfully deployed and stopped.


The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the framework follows to allow the collection agent to stop. This diagram corresponds to the STOP(2) transition action of the state transition diagram. The steps are the following:

  1. First of all, user has to update the previously created NGSI-LD collection agent entity (e.g., MetriSource or TelemetrySource entity) in Scorpio Broker. To do this, the action property must be updated to the STOP value.

  2. The entity upgrade triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the collection agent stop is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the stop of the collection agent with a NiFi processing flow.

  4. When NiFi successfully stops the processor, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the STOPPED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the collection agent has been successfully stopped.

III - Delete collection agent

The following sequence diagram shows the steps that the SDA framework follows to allow the collection agent deletion. This diagram corresponds to the END(4) or END(5) transition action of the state transition diagram.


The steps followed by SDA for the collection agent deletion are as follows:

  1. First of all, user has to update the previously created NGSI-LD collection agent entity (e.g., MetriSource or TelemetrySource entity) in Scorpio Broker. To do this, the action property must be updated to the END value.

  2. The entity upgrade triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the collection agent deletion is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the deletion of the collection agent with a NiFi processing flow.

  4. When NiFi successfully deletes the processor, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the CLEANED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the collection agent has been successfully deleted.

Aggregation Agents Orchestration

Aggregator is the other type of agent that SDA orchestrates, managing the life cycle of this agents that works as a stream processing applications running on the Flink engine using metadata from the information models.

The aggregation agents are in charge of managing both the upload of stream processing applications (defined as JAR files) and the execution of their instances (defined as Job instances) within the Flink engine.

For more information on how SDA internally manages the uploading and execution of stream processing applications, see Stream Processing Applications Management.

In the following subsections, different sequence diagrams are detailed to show the state transition management of those NGSI-LD entities (i.e., StreamApplication and MetricProcessor entities) that represent the metadata for the aggregation agents.

I - Upload and delete stream application JAR

It should be noted that to orchestrate the upload of stream application JARs to the Flink engine, and allow SDA to manage the life cycle of NGSI-LD StreamApplication entities that contain context information necessary for this operation, a new UPLOADED value is defined for the state property of the Agent parent entity.

SDA is responsible for orchestrating the creation and deletion of these StreamApplication entities and determining the availability of the associated JAR files, as well as uploading them to the stream processing engine (Flink).

Then, the state transition diagram for these StreamApplication entities is depicted.


The UPLOADED state determines that the JAR file of the stream processing application was available and has been uploaded to the Flink engine. In case of failure (for example, the JAR file was not found), the state property of the StreamApplication will be changed to FAILED and the cause of failure will be notified (from the stateInfo cross-domain property).

The following sequence diagram shows the steps that the SDA framework follows to allow uploading a stream processing application JAR to the aggregation agent (Flink engine).


The steps followed by SDA for the stream application JAR upload are as follows:

  1. First of all, the user has to model and create a new NGSI-LD StreamApplication entity in Scorpio Broker to describe stream processing application metadata. In the entity the user has to define the action property (inherited from the Agent parent entity) initialized to the START value.

  2. The entity creation triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the upload of the streaming application is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the upload of the application JAR to the Flink engine.

  4. When the application has been successfully uploaded to the Flink engine, the Weaver update the state property of the StreamApplication entity to the UPLOADED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the stream processing application has been successfully uploaded.


The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the framework follows to allow deleting a stream processing application JAR from the aggregation agent. The steps are the following:

  1. First of all, the user has to update the previously created NGSI-LD StreamApplication entity in Scorpio Broker. To do this, the action property must be updated to the END value.

  2. The entity upgrade triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the stream application deletion is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the deletion of the stream application JAR from the Flink engine.

  4. When the application has been successfully deleted from the Flink engine, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the CLEANED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the stream processing application has been successfully deleted.

II - Submit and upgrade Job instance

The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the SDA framework follows to allow the Job instance submission to the aggregation agent. This diagram corresponds to the START(0) transition action of the state transition diagram.


The steps followed by SDA for submitting the Job instance are as follows:

  1. First of all, the user has to model and create a new NGSI-LD MetricProcessor entity in Scorpio Broker to describe stream processing Job metadata. In the entity we have to define the action property (inherited from the Agent parent entity) initialized to the START value.

  2. The entity creation triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the submit of the Job instance is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the submit of the Job instance to the Flink engine.

  4. When the Job has been successfully submitted to the Flink engine, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the RUNNING value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the Job instance has been successfully submitted and is running.


The previous sequence diagram shows an example of StreamApplication error detection. After creating the MetricProcessor entity and before configuring and submitting the Job instance to the aggregation agent (Flink engine), Weaver must check whether or not there is a StreamApplication entity that identifies the JAR of the stream application to run on the Flink engine. If this StreamApplication entity does not exist, the aggregation agent configuration and the Job execution will fail. In that case, the Weaver will update the state property of the agent entity to the FAILED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the failed operation. Finally, the user is notified that the Job instance could not be submitted and executed in the Flink engine.


The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the framework follows to allow the Job instance upgrade to the aggregation agent. This diagram corresponds to the START(1) or START(3) transition action of the state transition diagram. The steps are the following:

  1. First of all, the user has to update the previously created NGSI-LD MetricProcessor entity in Scorpio Broker. To do this, the action property must be updated to the START value.

  2. The entity upgrade triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the Job instance upgrade is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the upgrade of the Job instance to the Flink engine.

  4. When the Job has successfully updated from the Flink engine, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the RUNNING value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the Job instance has been successfully updated and is running.

III - Define and stop Job instance

The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the SDA framework follows to allow the Job definition for the aggregation agent. This diagram corresponds to the STOP(0) transition action of the state transition diagram.


The steps followed by SDA for the Job instance definition are as follows:

  1. First of all, the user has to model and create a new NGSI-LD MetricProcessor entity in Scorpio Broker to describe stream processing Job metadata. In the entity we have to define the action property (inherited from the Agent parent entity) initialized to the STOP value.

  2. The entity creation triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the definition of the Job instance is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the Job instance definition. That is, th Job instance will be defined but will not be submitted to the Flinkengine.

  4. When the Job has successfully defined, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the STOPPED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the Job instance has been successfully defined and is stopped.


The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the framework follows to allow stopping the Job instance from the aggregation agent. This diagram corresponds to the STOP(2) transition action of the state transition diagram. The steps are the following:

  1. First of all, the user has to update the previously created NGSI-LD MetricProcessor entity in Scorpio Broker. To do this, the action property must be updated to the STOP value.

  2. The entity upgrade triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the Job instance stop is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the stop of the Job instance from the Flink engine.

  4. When the Job has successfully stopped from the Flink engine, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the STOPPED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the Job instance has been successfully cancelled and stopped.

IV - Delete Job instance

The previous sequence diagram shows the steps that the SDA framework follows to allow deleting the Job instance from the aggregation agent. This diagram corresponds to the END(4) or END(5) transition action of the state transition diagram.


The steps followed by SDA for the Job instance deletion are as follows:

  1. First of all, user has to update the previously created NGSI-LD MetricProcessor entity in Scorpio Broker. To do this, the action property must be updated to the END value.

  2. The entity upgrade triggers a notification to the Weaver component. The Weaver then update the entity with the state property initialized to the BUILDING value while the Job instance deletion is being processed.

  3. Then, the Weaver manages the deletion of the Job instance from the Flink engine.

  4. When the Job has successfully deleted from the Flink engine, the Weaver update the state property of the agent entity to the CLEANED value and the stateInfo cross-domain property with feedback information about the successfully operation.

  5. Finally, the user is notified that the Job instance has been successfully cancelled and deleted.

Endpoint and Data Source context information entities Orchestration

In addition to orchestrating through state changes the agents that allow managing the collection and delivery of data (from NiFi processing flows), as well as data aggregation (from Flink stream processing applications), SDA must manage the life cycle of those NGSI-LD entities that define the context information for the input data sources and their endpoint services.

So far there are two types of data source entities defined:

  1. Prometheus: Prometheus-based data source context information entities for metric collection.
  2. Device: Telemetry-based data source context information entities for telemetry data collection.

In addition, Endpoint type entities allow you to define the connection point with the data sources.

SDA is responsible for orchestrating the creation and deletion of these data source and endpoint entities and determining their availability.

Then, a short version of the state transition diagram for these data sources and endpoint entities is depicted.


Two states are defined to determine whether the entities are enabled or not (ENABLED and DISABLED). The START action allows entities to be created and enabled, while the END action allows them to be deleted and disabled.

When data source entities are created (e.g., Prometheus or Device entities), it is determined whether they are reachable from their associated endpoint service (related Endpoint entity). In case the data source is available and accessible from its endpoint, it will be enabled (the state property will change to ENABLED). Otherwise, the state property of this entity will be changed to FAILED and the cause of failure will be notified (from the stateInfo cross-domain property)

Final thoughts on SDA orchestration

Finally, the full version of the state transition diagram is presented depending on the associated entity domain. In addition, the transition actions carried out by Weaver to manage the change of states are detailed.


NGSI-LD API Orchestrator Postman collection has a set of requests that can be used to model a full NGSI-LD datapipeline for data aggregation and orchestrate the life cycle of the entities involved in it, based on the NGSI-LD API.