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VNX kubespray scenario using consolidated virtual machine images with Kubernetes already installed (no need to run kubespray playbook)

Scenario topology

VNX tutorial_kubespray scenario

K8s nodes are deployed as KVM virtual machines whereas r1 and h1 are LXC containers. They all run Ubuntu LTS 18.04.


  • Baremetal Linux OS (Tested on Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
  • VNX software -> VNX Installation Recipe
  • Internet connection
  • Hardware requirments: minimum 4GB RAM and 4 CPU cores


Get and unpack VNX scenario:

sudo vnx --unpack k8s_lab-v01.tgz

Starting the scenario

Start it with:

cd k8s_lab-v01
sudo vnx -f k8s_lab.xml --create

The cluster starts only with the master node. To add the two worker nodes:

sudo vnx -f k8s_lab.xml -x add-worker1,add-worker2

Alternatively, you can add the nodes manually. For example, to add worker1, go to a k8s-master root shell:

JOINCMD=$(kubeadm token create --print-join-command | sed 's/')
ssh "$JOINCMD"

Creation recipe

Download vnx-kubespray:

git clone

Install ansible requirements:

cd tutorial_kubespray/ansible/kubespray
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Set correct private key permissions:

cd tutorial_kubespray/
chmod 600 conf/ssh/id_rsa

Start the VNX scenario:

sudo vnx -f tutorial_kubespray.xml -v --create

Check that you have connectivity with all systems without the password being requested:

ssh k8s-master
ssh k8s-worker1
ssh k8s-worker2
ssh r1

Run kubespray ansible playbook:

cd ansible
time ansible-playbook site.yml

Once the playbook has succesfully finished, check that the cluster is running correctly. For example, with this command you should see the three nodes being part of the cluster:

ssh k8s-master kubectl get nodes

Reset worker1 cluster config and eliminate both workers from the cluster in the master:

ssh k8s-worker1 kubeadm reset
ssh k8s-master kubectl delete node k8s-worker1
ssh k8s-master kubectl delete node k8s-worker2

Delete history in images with:

ssh k8s-master rm /root/.bash_history
ssh k8s-worker1 rm /root/.bash_history

Shutdown the scenario and create the new virtual machine images:

cd ..
sudo vnx -f tutorial_kubespray.xml -v --shutdown

mkdir -p filesystems && cd filesystems

# master image
cp /usr/share/vnx/filesystems/vnx_rootfs_kvm_ubuntu64-20.04-v025.qcow2 vnx_rootfs_kvm_ubuntu64-20.04-v025-k8s-master.qcow2
VNXDIR=$( vnx -V | grep "VNX dir" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | sed -e "s,~,${HOME}," )
cp $VNXDIR/scenarios/tutorial_kubespray/vms/k8s-master/fs/root_cow_fs tmp-diff-master.qcow2
qemu-img rebase -b vnx_rootfs_kvm_ubuntu64-20.04-v025-k8s-master.qcow2 tmp-diff-master.qcow2
qemu-img commit tmp-diff-master.qcow2
rm tmp-diff-master.qcow2

# worker image
cp /usr/share/vnx/filesystems/vnx_rootfs_kvm_ubuntu64-20.04-v025.qcow2 vnx_rootfs_kvm_ubuntu64-20.04-v025-k8s-worker.qcow2
cp $VNXDIR/scenarios/tutorial_kubespray/vms/k8s-worker1/fs/root_cow_fs tmp-diff-worker.qcow2
qemu-img rebase -b vnx_rootfs_kvm_ubuntu64-20.04-v025-k8s-worker.qcow2 tmp-diff-worker.qcow2
qemu-img commit tmp-diff-worker.qcow2
rm tmp-diff-worker.qcow2

# r1 image
pushd $R1DIR
find mnt/ -type s > $tmpfile
LANG=C tar --numeric-owner -cpf - mnt -X $tmpfile --transform "s|^mnt|${ROOTFSNAME}|" | gzip > ${ROOTFSNAME}.tgz
mv $R1DIR/${ROOTFSNAME}.tgz .
tar --numeric-owner -xzpf vnx_rootfs_lxc_ubuntu64-20.04-v025-k8s.tgz
rm -f rootfs_k8s_r1
ln -s  ${ROOTFSNAME} rootfs_k8s_r1

Release the scenario:

cd ..
sudo vnx -f tutorial_kubespray.xml --destroy

Now the images are on filesystems directory and the k8s_lab.xml VNX scenario is ready to be started.

You can create a VNX pack of the scenario with:
